Virusverbreitung über Statustext bei WhatsApp möglich?
Unheimliche Geschichte: Ein Freund von mir hat aktuell in seinem Status nur eine Seite mit nur einem Satz (weisse Schrift auf rosa Grund) aus folgendem Wortlaut:
“Op was ok mo Pop”
Er schwört drauf, das nicht selbst verfasst zu haben, und wir beide googeln aktuell zu einem möglichen Hintergrund.
Was kann hier passiert sein? Sein Handy war auch immer bei ihm, es hat kein anderer heute Zugang gehabt.
So was schon mal erlebt?
Yes, if he swears, it’s all clear. The good allows a joke with you or has made a mistake on his smartphone in the last full-blown.
No, really not, quite sure, we’re both against 60 and he’s not a type for that, really not, he almost never makes a status anyway
Okay, then he should ask his grandchildren or nephews. 😁
Anyway, it’s not a virus.
Ah, the famous “unfailed operators”. The classic. I experienced things in the family circle…😂
My wife believes I have the solution: she showed me how to mistake such a text status by “dumme touching” the cell phone, for example by pushing, raising and moving the cell phone while being in the status function – and then sending it unknowingly. She told me, and it was similar to cryptic. According to Occams Razor, it can only be done in this way…then you can do so for your answer, which is indirectly calmed: virus so not possible.