Virus, handy übertragen?
Wenn man einen Virus auf seinem iphone hat und sein iphone auf ein neuen iphone gerät überträgt, hat das neue iphone dann auch dem virus vom alten handy?
Wenn man einen Virus auf seinem iphone hat und sein iphone auf ein neuen iphone gerät überträgt, hat das neue iphone dann auch dem virus vom alten handy?
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Habe seit längerem und öfterem immer solche komische zeichen. weiss jemand was das ist oder sein könnte und woher es kommt?
That’s KANN, but it doesn’t have to.
I recommend to completely reinstall the new and possibly also old cell phone if you are sure or suspect that the old cell phone has installed viruses
You have no virus on the iPhone. Therefore, there is nothing to transfer. 🤷
It is technically very difficult to program viruses for Apple devices. Viruses also have to spread, which is also very difficult due to the so-called sandboxing.
In addition, the transmission to other devices continues. Because apps cannot be sent from an iPhone to another. Although websites, images or PDFs may contain malicious code, it must be executed on the target device. And there comes sandboxing again to wear.
It’s not impossible, but 99% of the Apple users have never had a virus on their devices and will never be.
Pegasus and so-called state trojans are not viruses, but spy apps. They read everything on their smartphone and send it to secret services.
But there are viruses for iOS.
Although not as many as for Android for a long time, nevertheless.
These may also be transmitted under certain circumstances.
There are no serious source for the eternal assertion that iOS devices can get viruses.
And manufacturers of antivirus software are not serious at all in this case! They’re just thinking about their profit with the panic thing.
If you transfer all data from one cell to another, the virus data will also be transferred.
That the iphone has a virus is extremely unlikely.
All apps are transferred, including TikTok, Temu and WhatsApp. There’s a shit about viruses.
Yes of course there is a risk
An iPhone has no virus.