Vinted Geld freischalten für Käufer?
Ich hab was über Vinted System mit Käuferschutz gekauft und das Paket kam jetzt bei mir an und der Käufer bittet mich das Geld freizuschalten. Nur bei mir steht da aktuell nichts oder ich finde es nicht es kam auch mit einem anderen Versand als ausgewählt war denkt Vinted jetzt das ich es garnicht erhalten habe?
Click on the chat and then “retain package” or similar should be selected. You click on it and share Vinted with me that everything is fine.
Unfortunately there is nothing here just wait until your package will be sent only I have it already or last a few days
Oh, then the seller probably has to tell first that the package was shipped.
If I sell something about the system, idR is running like this: I confirm Vinted’s shipping and the buyer then that he has received the package. If both are done, the money is available to the seller.
Thank you
If he sends the package with another service when you paid, and thus of course there is no proof of transmission in the Vinted system, Vinted cannot know that it has been sent at all or that it has now arrived with you.