Vielseitigkeit reithelme?

Huhu,wieso tragen die Reiter im gelände so ein “Ding” auf dem Helm und kann man den Schirm bei einem kep helm abmachen? Hier der Reiter trägt wie ich sehe auch einen kep Helm aber ich habe nie gehört das man den Schirm entfernen kann.

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1 year ago

Many VS helmets do not have a screen (because this is supposed to minimize the risk of injury) and then the sun can quickly dazzle or rain comes immediately on the glasses or or… and there are still fabric covers with a “less” screen.
I find nice, because you can often wear another outfit 🙂

Charles Owen Pro II colour silk | Charles Owen | helmet cover (

1 year ago

this is not a versatile helmet, but a jockey helmet

the screen can’t be removed.

the shield is the face protection.

1 year ago

What kind of “thing”? The coating? He is there to make team members or start numbers known (also have Jockeys in the race). And there are helmets with and without umbrella. I don’t know if you can take them off. Do not believe it, however, since it is firmly integrated.

1 year ago
Reply to  Blindi56

I’m sure you can do it.