Vielleicht hat sich mein Freund umgebracht was soll ich tun?
Ich weiß das mein Freund in keiner guten Situation ist und er schon lange darüber nachdenkt. Meine Nachrichten kommen nicht mehr bei ihm an was soll ich tun? Ich bin verzweifelt und ich habe Angst vor dem was danach kommt weil ich mental auch nicht besonders stabil bin
So first, I would contact the police who have means and ways to find out if something happened. And they also have the means and ways to help you when your guess is true.
112 choose, then they will go to his address I accept. And very important: stay calm. It doesn’t matter if you get panicked now.
I don’t know exactly where he lives
But you know the parents and the city? Or is there anything on Facebook or Instagram? The police already have such clues
I’ve had a situation like this before, just say where he’s staying, maybe you’re going to go to the police and have to describe your friend. But everything is better than doing nothing. You can do this. Good luck.
Okay, I guess I can’t do much more right now, but it’s important, no matter what he did, you’re not to blame! If you need someone to talk, I’m happy to be there for you.
He has made many negative experiences and he thinks that because it was told he is worth nothing and the world does a favor when he is gone
ok sorry for the many questions but did he tell you why he wants to kill himself?
From good question I don’t know such a great place to get to know, but fate is also stupid
How do you know each other?
I have everything not only the city and the police will not take me seriously
Thank you.
Your own experience about 3 years ago. My daughter’s internet reputation came to pass with words that allowed the conclusion of intended suicide.
The only thing she knew was his phone number that he lived in BW, studied, still lived in the parent house and the date of birth.
With these facts, we (in SH) informed the police, within half an hour, a local police station from BW reported itself, and once again checked the data and then told us during this phone that they had sent the crew of a patrol car to the parents’ house.
About an hour later, the young man came back and finally thanked my daughter for her care.
Good luck.
Ok, thank you for making me a bit of courage
Do you know where he lives? Maybe you can go by there.
We are minor and he lives too far away I can’t visit him
Do you have his house phone number?
Not only his phone number
Go to him and ring