Viele Unverträglichkeiten?

Hallo, eine Bekannten kann vieles nicht essen und Ärzte helfen auch nicht viel weiter.

Das verträgt sie zum Beispiel nicht: Brot-Backwaren, Kartoffel, Reis, Nudel, Banane, Fleisch etc.

Gemüse und Obst ist größtenteils total in Ordnung und auch zum Beispiel Eier, Hafer, Milchprodukte, Fisch..

Sie muss ständig mit Magenschmerzen und starker Verstopfung kämpfen.

Kennt sich jemand vielleicht etwas aus?

Ärzte sagen ständig einfach Ernährung umstellen, aber man fragt sich natürlich was genau die Ursache ist.

Wir versuchen weiterhin gute Ärzte zu finden, jedoch wäre etwas Rat vielleicht hilfreich, um irgendwie voran zu kommen.


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6 months ago

You mentioned carbohydrates. Maybe it always helps to eat enough vegetables and protein-containing food or increase carbohydrate-rich in small steps. For symptom treatment try flea seeds. The following investigations are included:

-H2 breathe. gives to fructose, lactose,sorbitol, etc. (excludes bacterial misery and incompatibility)

-Exocrin e and endocrine function (ultrasonic, elastase in the chair, insulin resistance.)

-Stuhlprüfung, Blutprüfung (u.a Blutzucker) And then of course there is still reflection

Otherwise, go to a diet therapy or a stimulus centre.

6 months ago

Well, the doctors are no longer what they were… the health system is already overloaded and you have the feeling with many things alone. Perhaps your girlfriend has the irritant bowel syndrome .This is a functional disorder between vegetative nervous system and intestinal muscles that manifests itself through various symptoms such as nausea, abdominal pain, bloating, pressure and fullness to diarrhea or constipation. You suddenly feel that many foods are no longer tolerated. It is very individual and is usually placed as a diagnosis if nothing else has been found. But the diagnosis is often put forward, so you should really let everything go through before and go to various doctors and specialists to really make sure that it is not something else. More and more people are suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. Most of the FODMAP diet is very good, however, this is relatively complicated, so you should know exactly and you can do it for a certain period.

Did she test for incompatibility?

I can only recommend not to let the doctors wipe, but to stay there. She’s supposed to research and read books. A great show is also “adventurous diagnosis”, as rare diseases are repeatedly revealed, true stories of people who have a long path of suffering behind them.

I wish her good luck and a quick finding her diagnosis.

6 months ago

She could reduce the inflammation and do good to her stomach/darm tract. There are (with us) programs that almost “resette” you. The cause has probably been added over years, highly processed diet, alcohol, medication… Stress also makes a lot with the body. Little movement.

6 months ago

You’ll find the cause. Until then, nothing else will remain to be limited to compatible foods.