Viele sagen, dass es mit Netflix nicht so funktioniert?
Viele sagen, dass man nicht auf den Account Netflix schauen kann, wenn man in einem geteilten Haushalt ist bzw nicht in demselben.
Meine Mutter hatte Netflix mit Ihrem Freund, ich habe heute angefragt, ob ich es auch bekäme und konnte mich Problemlos einloggen und schauen, obwohl Sie komplett woanders wohnt.
Dachte das geht nicht?
That goes, but at some point Netflix will ask why filming with a completely different IP will be viewed. And then it is difficult to call a reason.
This is quite easy to explain with mobile devices (i.e. connected via mobile network). You’re in the same household, but you look over mobile.
If you look at another WLAN, it won’t go so easy.
It is not permitted by law, as with other online streaminga or programs. But that doesn’t mean it’s not possible. They may not even have the capital to understand such persecutions in real time. It would also be illegal. What the grey area probably creates…
Where various IPs will be filtered out via AI after a time. You get a message that you don’t log in. Just like when you log on too many devices at the same time.
This goes with mobile phone, even on the go, as long as you log in at least 1 x a month on the same internet connection.
That’s what you’re going to do and recommend that you log in to the additional user. No problem