Viel Reisen vs. Sparen?
ich stelle mir gerade die Frage, ob sparen überhaupt etwas bringt, wie bspw. für die Rente. Man hat ja quasi nur ein Leben, und wenn man 65 ist, weiss ich nicht, ob man dann überhaupt noch kann und ob es dann einem überhaupt noch was bringt viel Geld auf dem konto zu haben.
Ich “spare” nämlich jeden monat 450Euro in Aktien, um langfristig einen deutlich größeren betrag zu erhalten, nur ich frage mich einfach, warum überhaupt? – irgendwann bringt einem das dickste Bankkonto nichts.
Lieber jetzt in jungen Jahren für reisen ausgeben, die man nie wieder vergisst.
Was ist eure Meinung dazu?
I’m for a healthy mix. There’s nothing to do without the pension from anything to have a thick account at the age. You can also save yourself poorly – according to the motto: “Spare at any time, then you always have trouble.”
It is better to enjoy life, to enjoy something, and still to provide for the possibilities of age. Whether the monthly must be 450 € is a question of personal claims.
If you start early enough, as a reserve, you will certainly also reach 200 € per month – then you have 3,000 € per year additionally available for your holiday and can still enjoy your life without financial worries at the age.
It is clear that you cannot keep the previous standard of living with the statutory pension at the age of your own.
Journey before death, otherwise your heirs travel
You should be able to afford something, but also think about later. Because the statutory pension will not be enough for you… and if you become 95, you need some money if you want to live reasonably. And also a place in the home costs a lot of money.
The spell is minted on pensioners who have saved their lives and can’t afford anything at the age.
What do you do with 67 if your pension is not enough to live because you haven’t pretended and are still pretty fit? Do you want to work with 67 in addition to allow you to survive this?
It’s not that if you live sparingly and don’t have any free time at all and you don’t have any money to travel. You don’t have to spend 4 times a year on holiday…you can also get 2 x ….and in addition you can still make your 200€ a month in the long term, right?
a healthy average would be good. Surely you should enjoy your life in young years. But it is also not wrong to build up a cushion, whether for the pension or for the emergency, if something goes wrong.
But in the end, everyone has to decide
Remember first. If you’re 65, you’ll also have desires and desires.
So by then everything was consumed… bad idea
And travel doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive.
Was now 3 years in DE vacation making with caravan and it was also good. Next year we go to Tanzania, which will be more expensive.
By the way, I still save in ETF…
A healthy mixture makes it
I would also recommend to the minijob, this quickly earned money you can also save or spend on travel…you additionally do what for the pension and there are people everywhere looking for.
A reasonable balancing is sensible.
What you’ve already experienced, no one can take you away later.
On the other hand, the money at your age doesn’t bring you anything if you die before.
However, you should at least save so much that you do not have to starve at the age.
I got so much together with shares that I could buy myself a camper and now we’re a lot on the go, at the moment I write from the Kleinwalsertal…
If you get 90, you’ll be happy if you don’t have to collect cans. At some point, disposable waste is banned, and then there is no more to collect.