„Viel“ Geld für ein Auto bezahlen?
Ich habe jetzt seit der Ausbildung immer Geld gespart (etwa 6jahre)und würde mir gerne ein Auto kaufen. Kein Neuwagen, ein gebrauchtes Mini Cabrio mit Sport.
Kostet knapp 16k und ist bj 2013. Jetzt geht es mir eher darum, dass ich schon lange gespart habe und das sehr viel Geld für mich ist. Ich habe natürlich noch einiges an Geld über (knapp 10k) aber ein schlechtes Gewissen ist dennoch da.
andererseits, wann fährt man so ein Auto, wenn nicht jetzt wo man noch jung ist? Was sagt ihr dazu? Ist das zu viel Geld?
Leider reden meine Eltern mir da auch ein etwas schlechtes Gewissen ein.
I can understand.
In fact, that’s not exactly a little.
I’m really right. If not now, when? It is also the privilege of young people to be completely unreasonable.
However, in view of your further comments, I would like to look at another alternative, which is a sort of secret tip for used sports convertibles, which is the Mercedes SLK of the R170 series.
There is still a very good offer of well-preserved and well maintained users with not too many kilometers. They were often used in rich people for second or third cars for the woman of the house, were driven only in beautiful weather but were always cared for at Mercedes and stood in the garage in bad weather and in winter. Since these are relatively old, they are currently quite inexpensive despite a few kilometers and outstanding condition. Since this is also a classic and is still quite true, at the time the low point of price development is achieved. They’re even catching up again. In addition, and this is likely to be particularly interesting for you as a beginner, that the type-class liability insurance ratings are extremely low at 10 – 12 and therefore the insurance premiums are pretty much the cheapest one can get. You can save a few hundred,- a year at your still high SF and you save more than the higher fuel consumption. In addition, they are quite solid and reliable in technology and also from that in maintenance are not even so expensive. The disadvantage: they are no longer at every corner, but you may have to look for a little longer and more extensively to get one of the really good specimens.
Only by the way: I still find its design extremely successful. He doesn’t seem old at all. I just don’t like the grill. As an optical embellishment, I would only add a SL-grill (let), which is available on the Internet for about 200,- to 300,-.
Here is something general about these cars:
Here are some examples:
Article 3
I know that the mini doesn’t have much space, but unfortunately a two-seater doesn’t come into question. I’m going to pick up my nephews and I already need a back bank.
But you’re right! I had already looked at the car nice it is really, also a very good convertible.
Mercedes also wants to offer special child seats for the passenger seat of the SLK, which are supposed to cost around the 400,- to 500,- Euronen.
Have you ever looked at the Mercedes CLK? This is a 4-seat convertible and not very expensive. However, you have to look for longer and more thoroughly to find a well maintained and rust-free specimen. But there are also two- and third-party vehicles that were driven only in beautiful weather. It is also quite favorable with type class 13.
Examples here:
Would a taxi possibly be cheaper than about 6000,- higher purchase price?
Yes is not about children’s seats, more about being 2 nephews 🙂
I had asked myself about nine years ago when I planned to replace my previous Ford Mondeo with a good used Mercedes C-Class with just under 23 years and some savings. I also did in April 2013 and still drive the car with full satisfaction and nearly 280,000 kilometers.
Before buying, I have advised all of my fathers and my best mate, even from the family – because a Mercedes didn’t agree to me because only “rich people” such a thing (C180 Classic base model with a few extras; nix special, not even aluminum rings … klaaar … just what “for rich people”^^) should go either because the workshops are so expensive and also old Japan should go. But certainly not a Mercedes C180! Even my then girlfriend and today’s wife was not thrilled at first and asked what I wanted to start with such a bathtub, especially since our old Ford Mondeo was actually still good at shot – but that was always my wish, a separate Mercedes of the C-Class and just one. As a teenager, this was the optimal car in my eyes.
I was so insecure because of all these betrayals and partly also insults that I have looked at a newer Ford Mondeo against will – in order to make it right to others – but then my friend said at the test drive… that because of other people who are not interested in us, another car is bought instead of the one who I wanted to be a teenager.
I actually bought a metallic green Mercedes C180 Classic automatic and clear when I first had and was seen with it, there were questions like “we have become arrogant?” or “the boss pays too much?” and I was asked in barschem Ton whether I had been a “normal car” because it was not good enough if it had to be. A pensioner from my neighborhood was excited about it because he – as I found out later – bought a silver-grey C180 a few years before entering the pension as an expensive annual car, which had been cut off from the mouth for years and now felt crawling that a young man with the beginning of 20 could afford the same car in a different color a few years after training. The man was really naughty to me. In the beginning I was excited, later I only thought of my part – and I guess so too.
I could imagine that in a mini-Cabrio such “remarks” also come, but on the other hand, the envy also speaks of this: VIele people in the German envy culture are afraid of their own courage and place their dreams chronically on the stalk, mostly from fear that a neighbour, colleague, etc. commented in a typical German papal way. If someone fills up a dream, no matter what it is – from me also a car! – then these envious types react exactly as those they would fear. You can’t take that seriously.
When I drove this one year, people found other things more interesting. Well, I’m convinced that every “reasonable compact TDI” bought by peers, which is so highly praised, or Audi A3 etc. was much more expensive than my green reindeer car, over which the mouths were torn.
I would honestly not buy a mini myself, price/performance does not fit (it is an overpriced lifestyle product) and there are various quality problems that cannot be pointed out by hand. But when buying from the dealer with warranty, the risk is more predictable – and if the money is there and you don’t have to make any smashes or not save elsewhere, I would advise you – according to the motto, live your dream, don’t dream your life. I have never regretted the purchase of the Mercedes, but I would have regretted to have pushed him down because of the others. Everyone can never be right. But you’re ahead of them because you’ve fulfilled a wish.
What year is your Mercedes?
It’s your money and your decision.
For me personally, there are better and more beautiful convertibles than the mini, but this is a matter of taste.
Concerns and calculations should be the maintenance (insurance, tax, maintenance and repairs) and the fact that a convertible is not the ideal winter and bad weather car.
Oh, the mini doesn’t seem so popular here.
maintenance costs should not be a problem. And yes yes – but I don’t drive so much, car is also in the garage, that should work.
If you don’t need a car in winter and consider the mini rather than a “passmobile”, it’s okay. Personally, I wouldn’t be driving around with fabric roof convertible in winter.
Yes, the mini is not the best car you can buy for money. You can argue about optics.
350 Euros just think of the cost of electricity and gas…
Just figure out what costs will come to you in the future. Real
So, I pay with my parents monthly 350 euro since I am 18. And I’ve been working full-time from home office for two years. Exit probably in 2 years when I finished my online study. With a salary full time, I can actually do this, I probably wouldn’t take off alone.
So. All pragmatic:
You have your fortune due to the fact that you live at home and don’t have to behave yourself (Miete, NK, Lifestyle etc)
You had no own car
You never took the cost of a car. Neither insurance nor maintenance nor repair
You spend two thirds of his spare for a car with sports equipment. Cabrio.
Insurance at your age 100 € up. MONTHLY. Only HP and sub-casco (I now take the cost of my daughter’s Opel Corsa)
The car is not suitable for winter. A pure single car.
When are you taking off? How to finance the cost of car (subscription, insurance)
Questions about questions, especially concerning the future and how you can manage your expenses.
Yes I live at home 🙂
Are you still home?
But I’ve paid what my dad paid for as a hit on the insurance so I can go with myself. I’ve never caused any damage, or I’d have to pay them. And I’ve paid tires several times when Papa said, “It’s time that something comes from me”
So you never had the cost to bear? Uff. Then it becomes bitter;-)
Okay, BMW dealer costs surcharge, but brings a degree of safety in terms of vehicle condition. Then the price is at least comprehensible. If this is your car, I wish you a lot of pleasure with it
Yes, if I do, I think so too: Now I buy a car, which costs about 6000 less (as an example) and I give back 9000 and I am still not satisfied. I have to say I’ve been driving the cars from my dad so far or from my sister who were all a little faster, maybe it’s just habitual?
You’re 22. Burying is really far away.
Such purchases are only made when you have the money left. So you should do. Similar to a motorcycle. It’s luxury for your conditions.
On the other hand, I was young too;-) I understand you. However, I would look at you for a more favorable variant. Without sports equipment. As little as you drive, it’s really superfluous. And champagne of course the price and insurance
my friend said, “Do you want to be buried with the money?” I’m actually a reason buyer. But I understand what you mean.
Bottom line 16000 Euro (2 third of your savings) for something that stands in the garage most of the time and is not usable in winter. Not to mention the current costs.
I buy it at the BMW dealer with 184 hp – brakes new, TÜV new, service new and 24 months warranty. I’ve been looking for since November and that’s actually okay. I visited cars with 30,000 km more on it the 18k cost.
But don’t let you go over the table. A 9-year-old mini for 16,000€ is already very sporty, priced, and everything else is appropriate. Then the car has to be in top condition, technically fit, little km, freshly maintained, convertible top and dense!
yes my friend has one more and I work from home. I’ll see that in winter when I need one more ride.
Live your dream.
Everyone can write what they want.
The mini is in your head, so he wants to be bought from you.
You go to the dealer, so you have a guarantee.
Old people don’t care, but the condition and mileage are crucial.
If you have the opportunity, let him see before the purchase, or take one with you who has the idea.
And watch the speed and the cyclists.
How happy I am to read this! Thank you.
Yeah, I let him go.
If you want to fulfill a dream, do it. Don’t be too disappointed, because the mini is too expensive for its medium quality in my eyes. BMW engines are only available from high performance class, including those of PSA ( Citroen etc… ), today is also different.
But if you like the car, and it suits you why not. Only in 5..6 years it will experience a significant loss of value, repairs etc.
I have about 2-3 years to drive in front of the car and then rather to switch to a “ reason car”. But I don’t know the minis so well.
Like I said, do it when it’s your dream. I put myself in a rather unreasonable car and ran a sample and didn’t want to give it up anymore. Mercedes GLK.
Much money for little car.
A 10-year-old used one is necessarily susceptible to repair. The insurance at your age in connection with sports and convertible is not really without.
There are also cheaper in this equipment
I find 16,000 euros for a car not too much money. For a 9 year old small car, however, already.
For example, my son is looking for a car and has a Opel Corsa, built in 2013, from 1. Hand found with 69,000 km and 120 hp for about 7,300 euros. No mini, no convertible, but more than 8,000 euros cheaper. In contrast to the Corsa, the Mini clearly pays for the image, the manufacturer (BMW) and the convertible.
If that’s worth the thing…
I think it’s good that you can see how expensive a car is if you have to save your money first and don’t get it stretched by leasing or financing from the bank or given it from the Grandma to the Abitur … because many don’t realize that and therefore give out a lot of money for a car in a reckless way.
And after all, you have planned a financial reserve and not the last euro. There’s nothing in itself against buying.
The decision whether this is worth the thing to you, but you have to make it all by yourself.
There’s only one more hint about me, when someone who has already bought some cars in his life, also several new cars:
Every car becomes uninteresting when you own it. You get used to it. And often after a few months. So there is no real dream (such as a dream trip, which you have enjoyed and which remains unique), but becomes a boring everyday companion, which is also getting older and replaced by even more attractive, newer models on the market. You should also consider this when you fix the budget for your own car.
Yeah, I know. I also know that’s a lot for what you get.
I just feel sooo unreasonable. I also have to say he is probably a little more expensive because I also want to pick him up at the BMW dealer and who made me very good guarantee + brake change etc. And probably more expensive because it’s a Cooper S with 184 hp.
I’m always such a reason buyer and everyone around me feels like my parents say to me too, you always save money, you never buy anything and that I can enjoy.
I have so far dispensed with a car to save for the mini, I could also get a newer one, but I don’t see it spending so much money for a car, although I already like a (hopefully) good what I like and I like to have “sweet for 16,000” and not somehow my whole savings in a trip.
The mini really seems to be your dream for which you have done a lot, e.g. so far for a car and instead saved it.
Then you should do it with good conscience. And it is not that this “unreason” has an influence on your entire life.
In the best case, you’ve met your dream.
But even in the worst case, you’ll get annoyed at some point later that you spent so much money on a car, but no more.
Otherwise this will not have any further negative consequences for your life. You don’t blame yourself for the next 30 years, but you have the money available.
So do it.
It’s your money and even if I can’t start with nem Mini personally, so I’ve always bought unreasonable cars, but never regret it.
16.000 for a mini is already a house number. For the money you also get a real car..
But in principle, you see it right. If so, now.
I know! I’ve been looking for a car for a long time. But convertibles are so expensive.
I was looking. For the same money you also get a BMW E93. This is at least a convertible with a real roof.
But even under there are cars. E46 convertible e.g.
Are you buying the car for you or your parents?
I know many women driving the 3 BMW 😉
Yes, I even believe you. But then my parents would probably turn through completely
Joa, but whether this is 10 or 15 years old, it doesn’t matter.
But they’re a lot older for the price, are they? Unfortunately, for me this is also a “men” car
Ohja, such an E46 330Ci is also just beautiful, sporty and rises in price with good maintenance
16,000 for an almost 10-year-old car of the small-car cooler.
Yes, I understand Diene parents more than well.
Have you ever been familiar with the entertainment costs for such a vehicle and looked at the TÜV statistics?
Yeah, I’ve got it, the money wouldn’t be the problem I’m working on a full cigarette. It’s a convertible. The cost more, and I also wanted one with a little more hp..
I read that you have been saving 6 years and saving 26,000 euros. You want to spend EUR 16,000 on your own for this vehicle. Then you will still have 10,000 euro savings. I personally would never spend more than 60% of my savings alone for the purchase of a car.
My parents would have intervened and told me not to be stupid and spend so much money (also seen percentage) for a car. If I had said it was an almost 10-year-old car from the UK, they would certainly have felt the pulse.
But it’s DEIN money. You can do what you want. If I were to say, don’t donate it… then at least someone else has something of it.
One more question: Is it your first own vehicle?
I wrote my view here. Otherwise do what you mean. No matter how you decide: Good luck with your first own car and good and safe ride!
yes I had a look at my dad by car. He also said that the guarantees are very good and he is more concerned about it.
I asked the question here because the car is not yet paid and I, as I said, had a bad conscience because it is not a little.
If you’ve decided because of the “driving feeling” and because you find the vehicle “sauly” then why your question here?
Other question: Have you ever dealt with the terms “insurance” and “guarantee”?
Do you know how long it takes from your purchase and what exactly is that?
Here is a good and scandalous summary of the topic of ACV (Automobile Club Transport):
https://www.acv.de/ratgeber/autoshop/used-car buy/used-car guarantee
TIP: Buy NIEMALS emotionally. Always take Jemaden, who approaches the matter rationally!
No, I don’t, I really think the car is nice. I just like driving a car.
I drove the mini with a friend and was totally thrilled with the feeling of driving. I also buy as reasonable as possible with 24 months warranty at the dealer etc. That I’m not in the rain.
Yes, the money’s gone first. And in a couple of years you’ll only get a fraction on sale. I’m sure you put some money in it.
Why is a small used Opel, Skoda, Renault, Ford, etc. not enough? You get them partially for half and the follow-up costs are also much lower.
Do you just define (d) a car?
I’m thinking the money’s not gone, it’s in my yard. Of course, it’s worth it, but I don’t buy it as a reason car for the next 10 years, but now after all the austerity and all the “papa can I have your car today” to buy a fun for the next 2 years or so. Hm.
Jesus Mary. That thing’s 10 years old. Who pays for it is even owed
But if a car is well kept, is it better than some new car?
Wait… no. The mini has never been really good to express it in a subtle way. You pay for all BMW prices for the quality of a fiat. The convertibles like to be clear. In addition, the price that is called here is a nausea. For money there are newer and better convertibles
Definitely… I would certainly not put so much money on the table for such a… almost ancient “penis extension” – for which I would have had to save for so long.
I am a woman.. 🙂 but I like to drive car and a convertible is usually more expensive 🙁
All right, give it to you, especially since you still have 10k on the side, more than most of your age!
A mini penis extension? When I really hear that for the first time
A mini convertible…