Videospiel als Versand per Einschreiben versenden?
ich habe über ebay ein paar Videospiele (fsk 18) verkauft. Bei der Post meinte die „nette“ Dame, dass meine Art von Wunschversand „Päckchen s + Alterssichtprüfung“ nicht möglich sei und nur Standard Briefversand für 1,60€ möglich sei. Welche Alternative zu meinem Versand kann ich bei der Post verlangen? Die Frau war eher weniger hilfsbereit. Würde ein Versand per Einschreiben in Ordnung sein?
That’s not true. ebay introduces:
And you were also answered accordingly in your question 29.01.2022.
You have charged the corresponding shipping costs to your buyer.
One way would be a package with an age review. Registration with age vision examination is also possible.
For both shipping types, you have a shipping document, which is not the case with a parcel or a regular letter.
But not at Dt. Post.
I mean, “Oldview” only goes in connection with package. So not for mailing and not for parcels
This is wrong:
The eBay task is Package with age visionand to must You hold.
Now I’m not standing before the problem of having known that air cushion envelopes cannot be viewed as a package at the mail and don’t get these games to the buyers
This is alone Your Problem:
You as a seller must before ask how much the shipping costs are, which the buyer ultimately pays.
And if you’ve calculated there, then the extra costs go on Your Cap.
You need FSK-18 items mandatory as Package with age vision that does not provide (only) eBay, but the Youth Protection Act.
And violations are much more expensive than the higher postage expenditure.
“Alterssichtprüfung ” I only possible for packages.
Oh, okay! I got the games in air cushion envelopes. What shipping can I take to send the whole thing safely to the people?
You are legally obliged to send such articles (ab18) with “age inspection “.
Take a solid cardboard for shipping.
Air cushion envelopes are impermissible for packages, and it could happen that such shipments are not accepted at the mail, or you have to pay bulk goods surcharge.