Video Licht für videos?
ich suche eine Beleuchtung für Youtube Videos. Da ich leider in meiner Wohnung nur schlechtes Licht habe war es bisher immer recht schwer. Aufnehmen tue ich mit einer recht guten DSLR Kamera da ich hobby mäßig Tier und Landschafts Fotografie mache.
Bei Studio Beleuchtung kenne ich mich leider aber überhaupt nicht aus.
Preis wäre max 50€. Aber lieber etwas günstiger. Aber auch gebraucht wenn ich was finde
50€ is as good as garnix, for it might get with good luck nen LED spotlights or garage lamp from the building market.
It’s just that it’s usually hard to dimme.
Or a Billo set:
Bundle 2x LUMIS Key Light – Small LED Streaming Light (
For streaming, this is enough, but if you want to do something right, you should invest at least 100€ in larger panels: Lighting Panel Set-Two-Color-Live-Stream/dp/B09M6XGDW7
öhm okey, don’t know if I’m supposed to believe that. As if there’s nothing below 100€ to illuminate it. It’s not dark now.
I thought of something like that in the direction, I know what’s more worthwhile.
What you posted are normal lamps, especially bright this is not and the lower link is about the same what you sent up from Rollei, only in No name and with fewer LEDs. I count 60 of Rollei has 108 LEDs.
You can make yourself a suitable one with household lights, so no professional lighting needs.
Large desk lamp with a white cloth at a certain distance from it, then have a softbox.
Then practical lights in background and finished.