Video for casting: tips?
For a casting I need a video where you introduce yourself.
What should be mentioned and what not?
Do you have any tips?
It should be 1 minute…
For a casting I need a video where you introduce yourself.
What should be mentioned and what not?
Do you have any tips?
It should be 1 minute…
I think they are different in terms of dimensions
Hall together Does anyone know how to connect my Canon EOS 90D to the Canon remote shutter release? Thank you
Have you ever met/seen a celebrity/famous person on the street or in a place? If so, who?
Hi, as a complete novice in photography, I want to get a 50mm lens. I found two here, but I don't know why they differ so much in price? Is it because of the STM?
Hello, I'm currently very interested in anime romance and need recommendations for other series in this direction. I've already watched Rent a girlfriend, Higehiro and A sign of Affection, which were the first ones I was recommended to watch and I thought they were really cool. I'm new to this area, so I'd be happy…
Also ich würde grob einmal mich selbst vorstellen sprich Name, Alter und Wohnort
Je nachdem was für ein Casting es ist vielleicht auch deine Körpermaße
Und vorallem deine Persönlichkeit und was du in deiner Freizeit gerne machst. 🙂