(VG Kaninchen) Kaninchen mit einem Handtuch abrubbeln – effektiv oder Quatsch?

Habe jetzt öfters auf Internetseiten gelesen, dass man die Kaninchen mit einem Handtuch abrubbeln soll, damit der Geruch von den anderen Kaninchen auf das Neue übergeht. Weiß jemand, ob das wirklich hilft, oder nur Quatsch ist?

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3 years ago

I’ve read in a variety of books, but with one litter and an surgery because they often smell like TA.

I wouldn’t do it because it’s “driving” the nin’s stress and it’s already gone. The other one will recognize the newcomer.

It only helps a lot of space, a neutral area and then wait.

3 years ago

Actually, I’ve never tried that before. Never read that before. For me, it sounds rather insane

The smell is formed in the chin diffractions and the glands in the sex corners. Can’t imagine that towel scrubbing helps 😂

3 years ago

The smell is covered by odour and even the most fragrant nin quickly understands that a newcomer has arrived.

It helps only a lot of space and patience and also the willingness to get through the club.