Vetranquil für Pferde nicht mehr verfügbar, warum?

Hallo zusammen, eine Freundin von mir hatte für Ihre Pferde für Silvester immer Vetranquil in granulat form. Das ist ein Beruhigungsmittel welches das pferd lediglich runterholt aber nicht einschlafen lässt. Ihr vorat ist nun leider aufgebraucht und sie wollte neues haben, bekommt es aber weder beim Tierarzt noch im internet. Weis jemand warum es vom Markt genommen wurde? Bzw. ob man es noch irgenwo erwerben kann? Wie gesagt sie benötigt es nur für silvester, damit die pferde nicht völlig am rad drehen. Sedieren kommt nicht in frage, sie sieht nicht ein das sie die pferde völlig abschießen muss.

gibt es vielleicht alternativen? bitte keine bachblüten oder andere homöopathische sachen.

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5 years ago

As much as I have heard, there should have been increased severe side effects in horses that were not known in connection with this preparation.

5 years ago

Honestly, I wonder why that is necessary at all?! I already had the “satisfaction” with horses that flip on Sylvester, but I’ll be there before, what idR is half the rent. Doof is always for the boxing horses who can’t get their stress in there – as well…

My offs are quite normal out there, and the worst thing that happened is that they’re taking a gallop round. Mostly, however, they are quite left and that, although we are the last house or Walking on the edge of a residential settlement are – with celebration of the Landjugend in airline 50m.

I wouldn’t just give the horses soothing agents (besides what planting/bach blossoms,…) and they wouldn’t even seduce! Of course, it can always happen that one actually needs something, but casting can over all I don’t think of.

5 years ago
Reply to  Johanna250956

Yes, in this case it is actually better.

5 years ago

Unfortunately, I cannot contribute more than 2 alternatives:

  • Ask the veterinarian for another acceptable means
  • Horses on New Year’s Eve move so thoroughly that the reaction is reduced due to fatigue. Sounds stupid at first glance, but unloaded horses are always more scary.

I don’t know if you don’t use the nut, but it’s worth it 😉

5 years ago

In general it is still available for small animals under
Eventeull can be used to search the ingredient on the Internet, at least there are some items displayed.

5 years ago

For alternatives please contact the veterinarian and let him advise you as a specialist.

Why a drug is no longer available can have various reasons.

It may be, for example, that the manufacturer has returned the authorisation for some reason or that the authorisation has been withdrawn from an authority. This has either economic reasons or is directly related to the drug and its (benefit) effects.

Another reason for non-availability can be a problem in the production of pharmaceutical products (e.g. too little substance, problems in the synthesis of the starting materials, failure of granulating equipment, etc.). At present, unusually many drugs, from simple painkillers, blood pressure lowers to psychopharmacists, are hardly or only very limited.

Why the drug (currently) is not available, whether and when it comes to the market again, only the manufacturer can answer.

5 years ago

make sure it has no longer been available and has not been subject to prescription?

some are taken from the market, because the loved ones abuse it as a drug.

Your well-known does not have to “deport” her horse, but should make desensitizing training to increase his tolerance to unusual events.

when I got it, I got it. After extensive training, he was shot-proof, i.e. you could fire and rocke right next to him and he just spied the ears. all possible.

and mine was one who saw and did drama everywhere.

to sylvester should be doing this with the still a few days to go.

small tip: when riding, always bring baked bags and balloons.