Vespa die wie Moped aussieht?

Hallo ich bin im Moment 15 und habe vor, wenn ich 16 bin ein Vespa Schein zu machen. Allerdings finde ich das eine Vespa recht langweilig aussieht und ich den look von einem Moped deutlich besser finde. Allerdings will ich kein Moped Schein machen, weil Mopeds nur 50 fahren und ich damit nicht auf die Autobahn kann (Ich will nämlich nicht nur in Berlin sondern auch in Brandenburg fahren können). Deswegen meine Frage ob irgendwer Vespas kennt die wie zum Beispiel das unten angehängte Bild aussehen.

Ich danke jetzt schonmal für antworten.

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3 years ago

I think you want to drive a 125 cubic, that’s about 16 years, the driving class is A1.

corresponding moppeds already look adult and drive about 110-120 kmh at a maximum of 15 hp.

3 years ago
Reply to  blackhaya

Thank you for your answer. I want to wait until I’m 16 I’ll get my A1 license and then I’ll buy an Enduro.

3 years ago

You can either get a test certificate now with 15 years or then with 16 years the driving licence A1 for two-wheelers with up to 11 KW and 125 ccm. But what’s a Vespa case? Then you can only drive a Vespa…. 😉 In the A1 class you will find mopeds like the Knatterding on your picture….

3 years ago

Thank you for your answer. I want to wait until I’m 16 I’ll get my A1 license and then I’ll buy an Enduro.

3 years ago

Well, it’s all good. Great success for your project and everything good….

3 years ago


3 years ago

Thank you

3 years ago

You’re talking.

Vespa is a concrete scooter brand of the Piaggio group.

Many people also use the word “Vespa” less strict than generic expression for “rollers” to themselves, even from other manufacturers.

But a scooter doesn’t look like a moped. Especially not when you call him “Vespa”. A roller must have at least one indicated passage, even if it is completely installed and impractical in practice, such as the Gilera Runner or Italjet Dragster. Without passage it is not a scooter, but a moped, even if it does not have a tank behind the handlebar, but only a tanker or anything else. It doesn’t look like a scooter, it looks like a moped. Because it doesn’t even have an indicated passage.

And then there is the Gilera DNA, clearly a moped, but with a variomatic and propulsion rocker like the scooter.

3 years ago

Vespa badge

There isn’t.