Verwarnung bekommen – darf ich hier nicht parken?
Ich habe einen Brief von der Behörde bekommen.
Sie parkten auf einem Straßenteil, der weder durch Zeichen 315 noch durch eine Parkflächenmarkierung zumParken freigegeben war.
ich lade mal ein Bild von der Straße hoch. Ich habe quasi hinter diesen weißen LKW geparkt mit den rechten Rädern auf dem Bordstein. Ist das hier wirklich verboten?
That’s the problem. This is a way of parking.
If you look at the area close to it (where the 3.7m sign stands), no one would doubt that it is a walkway. This halves in the further course only from 4 plates width to 1.5 to 2 plates width, but it does not end. There’s a way to go.
If you had not parked on the boarding stone but on the edge of the road, everything would have been fine (mainly a residual width of 3.05m).
Even if it were not a way to go, the alleged offence would be true.
By the way, I only know him from Hamburg. He cannot find what is lawful, however, in the Federal Single Act Catalogue, because the federal states may design their own deeds.
According to § 12 para. 4 StVO is for parking the side strips or otherwise the edge of the roadway. In addition, only traffic signs 314 and 315 and Parking space markings parking.
Even if it were not a walkway, it is certainly not a side strip and corresponding traffic signs or parking area markings are also not present. This is a part of the road which, according to § 12 para. 4 StVO is not released for parking.
I don’t have the warning money for the deeds you have accused, but I think he’ll be under the warning money for walkway parking (55€). In this respect, happiness in misfortune.
Yes that was in Hamburg and warning money was only 25 euros
This halves in the further course only from 4 plates width to 1.5 to 2 plates width, but it does not end. There’s a way to go.
No, the plates disappear completely. There is actually only green area, but because people still run over it, the green area is damaged and only earth remains.
Okay, I didn’t realize that it was actually a green area on the photo.
Then we could actually discuss whether it is a traffic area at all. The fact that the plates end completely could be interpreted as the end of the walkway. Another use of the green area intended for transport purposes is not apparent.
If it is not a traffic area, this would mean that the StVO is not applicable there. Accordingly, parking could not be punished according to a StVO plant.
I’d like to say that Green plant regulation possible. There would be a fine between 25 and 150 euros (No But only for the driver. He should be firm. There is no “holding liability” for parking offences such as public road traffic.
If you want to go against the warning money, you should legally know a little what to do to argue accordingly. Whether this would be crowned by success remains uncertain. At €25 you should think about it. In the event of a defeat, it becomes more than twice as expensive.
If you had parked completely on the street instead, you would have saved a ticket.
In the public transport area, parking is a traffic sign. Section 39 of the Road Transport Regulation (StVO). Accordingly, the parking lines are retained there when the vehicle is parked.
On the photo you can see directly opposite marked parking spaces.
Any questions?
In addition, you can only park with two wheels above the curb if this is explicitly allowed ( traffic sign 315).
I don’t see any marking, just one (unmarked) side/park strip.
What does the opposite parking strip have to do with the violation of the questioner?
Everything. And what do you want to know that he’s unmarked? At any rate, it looks very structurally at car parks and where they are, you cannot park on the rest of the road.
The last sentence is a rumor.
It is certainly possible to make a sufficient judgement on the basis of this answer.
Because I don’t see any marks in the photo. And by the way, no traffic signs.
Only in the same direction of travel (second row). This has no influence on the other direction of travel.
I would even like to say that the truck and the red focus have lost here also nix at the place quasi parking is basically not allowed to look at the narrow streets and a healthy person who loves his car is not parked there – only if he wants to scrape the car haha- my winungp
Look at character 315:
Only if this sign is there, then you can park on the way.
Yes everywhere parking on the curb is prohibited, where it is not allowed by a sign or markings.
I just thought on the way
What’s that supposed to be if there’s no way to go? An elevated roadway for action with off-road vehicles? Of course it’s a way out of the curb.
Still, you can’t park there. A car can only be parked on fixed grounds (street, parking). If otherwise oil drips from a car, the environment is directly affected.
If you were parked on the street, it wouldn’t have been a problem. The problem was clearly, according to warning, that was standing with the tire on the curb.
there is only green area from the trees and right next to the truck is a bush. You don’t come by right there. In the red car you can only get left, because on the right the bush is away
Nö, also with us have cars or I don’t want to look for parts of it on a walkway.
Well, yes, the car has nothing to look for on the curb if it is not regulated by signs.
Parking with wheels on the curb is prohibited!
Parking on the curb is prohibited
Parking the Bordstein (railway edge) is even prescribed. Parking on the curb is forbidden.
the curb is not a roadway edge, but the increased transition to the pedestrian path
That’s right. I didn’t think of anything like that.
Wow, what a not-sounding statement.
Okay, I think that’s enough for every reader to make his own judgment.
where the road is finished, now becomes colorful
And where exactly is the edge of the road now?
At the beginning of the rain gutter (which is not everywhere)?
end of the rain gutter or At the beginning of the curb?
End of the curb?
Where exactly?
some also say rain gutter rainfall. then comes the board and sidewalk
What do you think is the edge of the road?
I think that the curb is part of the walk. Otherwise I would have learned to park in the driving school.