Verursachen verschiedene alkoholische Getränke verschiedene Räusche?

Ich frage mich schon lange, ist es nur Einbildung, oder verursachen unterschiedliche Getränke unterschiedliche Arten eines Rausches? Ich meine, dass es bei mir einen großen Unterschied macht, ob ich beispielsweise Bier, Schnaps oder Sekt trinke, fühlt sich total unterschiedlich an, Bier macht eher gechillt, Schnaps macht depressiv und Sekt/Prosecco macht euphorisch und aktiv…
Ist das nur Einbildung oder gibt es dafür eine wissenschaftliche Erklärung? Weil letztlich ist ja überall das gleiche drinnen, Alkohol.

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

The fact that various alcoholics are sometimes perceived as being of a different characteristic, although they all contain the same main active ingredient, is, in my opinion, that it is not only the active substance itself which determines how to experience the effects of this substance. In fact, how exactly alcohol acts on a person is dependent not only on the amount taken up and the rate of drinking, but also, for example, on variable factors such as reconciliation, weight, stomach content, emotional condition and daily form. If drugs or other psychoactive substances are taken, they can interact with alcohol or bring about an overall action which can be distinguished from the pure alcohol action.

In addition, it seems to me that Anticipation to play an essential role. Accordingly, one was unconsciously expected to experience a particularly good mood with a particular manufacturer’s beer, for example, when one has already experienced a special atmosphere with this beer. One unconsciously creates a connection between the specific drink and the situation, although it does not have to be. See also autouggestion, Placebo effect.

An interesting article on the topic: Drink think: Why expectation is alcohol’s most potent mixer,

1 year ago

No, alcohol is alcohol.

But the way to the noise is different.

Depending on the alcoholic beverage, the alcoholic effect can be used sooner or later and can last longer or shorter.

This can then result in differences in behaviour.

This always affects the period of the beginning effect. At the end it always goes beyond the same. Drinking is drunk.

1 year ago
Reply to  GabHH

Yes, what you say is I think quite right, but the smoke states are still different from the speed when taking different alcoholics and also how quickly you dismantle the alcohol. Or, for example, in the case of champagne, the alcohol is absorbed more quickly by the carbonic acid and then bangs completely differently. Or at absinth or some herbal schnapps, I am also sure that the added ingredients can influence the effect… I also noticed that one can develop a particularly high tolerance for specific alcohol types, regular consumption… I was until a year ago, approx. For 7 years alcoholics with 3-4 bottles of vodka every day to keep my level and get the tremor away. (Yes I know you’re staying long alcoholic, but for 1n a year I’ve been able to drink it controlled, and come all month to a maximum of 3 bottles of wine) … but to come back to the topic, I haven’t got any state of noise in the time of vodka, no matter how much I drank, he has just been able to alleviate my withdrawal symptoms, so if I’m stuck in whisky. That’s how it was with me and I’ve heard similar from others…

1 year ago
Reply to  3Plus3Ist6

Thank you for your comment. He is not really in contradiction with my answer. Some additives can cause further changes cannot be excluded. I am merely referring to what has been scientifically proven.

1 year ago

Definitely, I had the theme first last with a well-known one who sees it like that.

interesting question 👍🏼