Versteht ihr euch gut mit euren Verwandten?

Gerade zur Weihnachtszeit beschweren sich viele über ihre Verwandten, da sie sich nicht sehr gut mit ihnen verstehen und das an Weihnachten oft zu Streit und Diskussionen, vor allem über politische Themen führt.

Wie sieht es bei euch aus? Versteht ihr euch gut mit eurer Familie? Oder nicht? Wenn nein, habt ihr häufig Diskussionen an Weihnachten oder meidet ihr eure Verwandten eher?

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1 year ago

With one side of the family, I get great. The uncles, aunts and grandparents are very nice and I like to spend time with them.

I don’t understand the other side of the family. They are always dissatisfied, every time at sea and blaspheme, nothing can be done right to them. They only talk about illnesses, shame about politics, draw about everything and everyone, make a permanent accusation. I’ll avoid them as good as I can.

The “main family” (sisters and parents) are hot for me. It’s a gross peace, I’d say. We are very courteous, trying to avoid dispute issues. Unfortunately, my father is very angry and hates it if anything doesn’t run exactly as he wants. It’ll be hard.

1 year ago

I really don’t understand anyone from the family. Spend this year alone, among other things.

1 year ago

Yes, our family is loving and harmonious. And with all our relatives we understand what is not self-evident.

1 year ago

Since there is no contact with the family, there are no discussions!

1 year ago

most I like and like myself but so my cousar and my cousin like me nich and sometimes we visit

1 year ago

At any rate, if you don’t talk about politics or anything else. Don’t worry about it. As if everything was always perfect. Then we understand.

1 year ago

There are just different opinions and as long as you accept this, there are no problems.

1 year ago


So with most relatives I understand well.😉✨

LG Maike

1 year ago

We’re all a good team to keep together.