Versicherung wechseln geht das?

Mein Sohn ist der Fahrzeughalter und ich die Mutter Versicherungsnehmer.Mein Sohn möchte das ich die Versicherung kündige, denn er ist zur Zeit auf Montage und hat ein Firmenfahrzeug, er möchte Kosten sparen. Meine Frage, wenn er das Auto wieder anmelden will dann auch auf seinen Namen, kann dann meine Versicherung sich sträuben? Denn normal läuft der Vertag bis 09/25

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3 months ago

He reports the car and then the insurance will automatically fall away, in which case it would be a decommissioning

However, be aware that the car can only be parked on a private ground, otherwise there is fine

and if he leaves the box again, he will return to a salutation, either about you, then the percentages will go on or on, here either restart with percentages or take over from you

3 months ago
Reply to  Kleene61

If I cancel the car with my insurance now, it’s shut down

No, it’s not. The car must be shut down at the approval authority. Just because the insurance is terminated, the car is not automatically shut down.

3 months ago
Reply to  Kleene61

Your son shuts the car down and at the moment you let me know the insurance and this will also disappear at the moment

no is his thing of all insurance he changes when he leaves the car in two, three or five years

3 months ago
Reply to  MichaelSAL74

He reports the car and then the insurance will automatically fall awayIn that case, that would be a stilting…

Unfortunately a great error of you – probably never before Insurance heard?

Your information with automatic insurance case is only valid for a vehicle sale!

If the vehicle is re-approved within 18 months, then the previous car insurance company lives again on the same insurer!!!

3 months ago
Reply to  MichaelSAL74

Just like what falls away, really not, it starts the free rest insurance, would be fatal if I would drive home without insurance cover.

3 months ago

Of course not: there no change of vehicle the previous insurer has at least: until 18 months because of the pension insurance the “older rights”; the new car insurance contract is then due :((

3 months ago

No, it’s not going out, it’s my contract, so he’s going to the pension insurance.

3 months ago

Don’t mess with anything, put vehicle out of operation, pack in the garage, use free rest insurance, and if the child wants to allow it again, it usually goes as planned.

3 months ago

the insurance does not have to grant special discounts. the levels normal.

You should get that out with the verse.