Insurance company cancels surrender value due to late payment?
If the insurance company cancels the policy due to late payment, will I still receive a surrender value?
If the insurance company cancels the policy due to late payment, will I still receive a surrender value?
Is it possible to make a five-figure profit, say €10,000 or €8,000? Is that quite possible at a good location like St. Pauli in Hamburg when there are a lot of customers? Every second dilli opens a kebab shop these days, hoping to become wealthy.
Hello I'm 15 and have a very bad relationship with my parents. I'll be 16 soon and want to start working then, but my parents don't want to open an account for me or give me their account details. My parents also say that I should move out immediately when I turn 18 and that…
My uncle is rich, but he won't leave anything to me anymore. I also think he made a will that doesn't include me. How do I convince him to give me anything? I can't become so poor if my uncle is so rich.
Hi. I have a question regarding high winnings from sports betting: If someone wins €20,000 or more with a bet at Tipico, for example, and wants to cash out this amount, what do they have to take into account? The deposit is made via Paypal and the withdrawal must therefore also be made to the…
Hello, I had a securities course and wanted to ask if I had calculated the price-earnings ratio correctly. There were several numbers and details that caused confusion. I decided on the current stock market price -200 euros Price gain since 1.1 – 4 euros I calculated 200/4 = 50. is this right or is it…
I'd like to potentially train as a civil servant in public administration. I know that with private insurance, the state covers 50%, but the gross/net calculator asks for reported health insurance contributions. What exactly are those?
Das wäre ja nur bei einer Kapitalversicherung möglich. Diese reklamiert einen Zahlungsverzug ziemlich spät. Wenn es dann zu einer Kündigung kommt, wird der Zahlungsverzug aus dem Deckungsstock beglichen. Häufig ist dann gar kein Rückkaufswert mehr vorhanden.
Wenn ein Rückkaufswert vorhanden ist, steht er dir zu.
Wenn dir laut Vertragsvereinbarungen ein Rückkaufswert zusteht, dann ja. Wenn nicht, dann natürlich nicht.