Versicherung BMW Erstauto?
wie in paar anderen Fragen schon mitgeteilt möchte ich mir, vorausgesetzt mein Plan geht auf, und alles läuft so wie ich es mir vorgenommen habe, einen BMW M3 320 kaufen.
Die Erstzulassung läge zwischen 2005/9 aufsteigend und ich möchte eben gerne wissen was jemand von eich, der auch einen fährt, für seinen Bmw zahlt an Versicherung. ich bin derzeit noch in der Ausbildung und arbeite da als Kindererzieherin, (wegen beruf) es wäre wshl Kilometerstand zwischen 100.000 und 150/160.000 km. ich wohn in bayern.
ich hab schon mehrere tests gemacht aber die wollten dann alle geld fürs ergebnis deswegen schreib ichs jz hier gleich dazu.
wär mega nett wenn mir jemand weiterhelfen kann!! danke!!!!
There is no M3 320, either you drive an M3 or a 320(C)i or 320D. at the E46, the diesel is a four-cylinder of the gasoline a 2l series hexane.
I drive an E46 330Ci from 2001, I pay almost 400 euros annually with partial cash
Then an M 3 😂 when I was looking for it on various search portals always came 3 he series and then 320(i). don’t get me out with namen😂
320i is the correct name 😉
How much this can cost you the insurance agent of your trust. We’re certainly not here. How much others pay is also completely irrelevant.
Try the check24 insurance calculator.
He’s free as far as I know.
Look at Check24, you get a good overview of what the insurance would cost you.
However, as the first car with the performance, this could be quite expensive.
There are about a million insurance calculators on the net. Here’s one:
HERE you can do it yourself
KFZ Insurance Comparison [2023] 78% cheaper – CHECK24
and then you can still look at the HUK24 yourself as they do not show up in comparisons
Oh, that sounds like a great car project! I’m sure your BMW M3 320 will be an impressive first car. In terms of insurance, there are a few factors that you should consider.
Firstly, the color of the car can have a great influence on insurance costs. Red is known to be the most expensive color, while green is the cheapest. So if you plan to buy your car in a different color than green, you could have some higher insurance costs.
Secondly, your profession as a child educator can also have a great influence. In fact, insurers consider child educators to be particularly risky because you are regularly on the move with many small children and thus have a higher chance to be involved in an accident.
Thirdly, the mileage can be a big factor, the higher the mileage, the more expensive the insurance.
Conclusion: if you live in Bavaria and are a child educator, you would have to spend a lot of money on insurance for a BMW M3 320 with a first registration between 2005 and 2009 and a mileage between 100,000 and 160,000 km and in a different color than green, but it is definitely worth it!
Not to forget, if you drive a green car, you can only drive over the traffic lights at Green. With a red car also at red.
And if you turn the mileage back, you even earn money on the insurance!
funny, thank you for your very helpful and absolutely unsarctic answer.
Are you kidding me? If yes it is a very bad
can actually read out if the sarcasm is or not. that was a serious question because I liked cars but did not know profi. Of course, the car would be for my own needs and I don’t take children with it?
Red and green play only one roll if I would sell it on my own because that is quite unloved colors. otherwise it’s a choke.
ask an insurance broker or look at Check24
without personal data and exact vehicle data, no chance
There are countless insurers with countless rates.
Turn to an independent broker who can advise you comprehensively and find out the company and tariff that suits you. By the way, not only with motor insurance, but with all insurance issues.