Versetzter Tod nach Schlag gegen Kopf wegen Krankheit?
Es geht hier um eine Frage bezüglich einer Kurzgeschichte an der ich arbeite. Der Hauptcharakter soll in einem Streit seinem Gegenüber eine Wunde am Kopf verpassen, entweder durch einen Schlag oder Sturz. Allerdings soll die Person nicht direkt daran sterben, die Ursache für den Tod soll eine andere sein. Ich habe an einen Hirntumor gedacht, der durch die Einwirkung von außen verschlimmert wird, aber ich weiß nicht, ob das realistisch wäre.
Ich bitte um Ideen und Vorschläge 🙂
I’d rather take an aneurysm instead of a tumor.
The blow causes it to finally tear and he dies of brain bleeding.
Aneurysma!!!! Right!!!! I didn’t remember, thank you very much.
And I was the first to think… the other one commented on me 😁
Brain tumors are NOT aggravated by violence, nor can they “place”, at least not in the way you imagine this. On the other hand, an aneurysm can burst through a fall, so this would be ideal for your history. You can do that, too, but not much. The fall could lead to a brain vein thrombosis, which has already been built up by the aneurysm beforehand. If you want it to be a bit more dramatic and not so 0815, you can also take neurosyphilis that has severely damaged the brain before. But don’t forget that this isn’t completely symptom-free, and you’ll have to insert approaches somewhere in your story earlier.
DANKING!!!! This helps me a bit more :)))
If you want any illness for your story, let me know. I can tell you how it behaves and no problem 🙂
No problem 🙂
Okay, thanks <333
Microbleeding can occur, absolutely. That would go! But that is really the great exception.
Thank you :)) I would have another question: does an aneurysm also work if I describe it so that it happened a few days after the attack? Or is only a few hours realistic?