Versehentlich über Zebrastreifen gefahren?
Ich bin gefahren und plötzlich schießt eine Frau ganz nah ans Auto mit ihrem Kind zu Füß. Bin dann weiter über den Zebrastreifen gefahren da ich eh drüber war fast und sie hat mich angesehen habe ich gesehen im Rückspiegel. Denkt ihr es kommt nun zur Anzeige? Ich fühle mich si schlecht. Oder sollte ich mich selbst anzeigen?
You, stupid things happen.
If you can’t stop at the zebra strip, you can’t stop. And if you didn’t see anyone going over, you didn’t see it. That’s it. Such small mistakes happen constantly. If no one has been hurt, everything is good. Next time better watch and finish.
Someone who wants to go over a zebra strip has to see if the cars stop and can’t just run off like that according to the motto “they’ll stop”.
I wouldn’t show myself in your place. What are you doing? Nothing happened.
It may be natural that the mother will show you. But that is quite unlikely and if she does, it would not be dramatic either. Maybe she didn’t even feel it as bad as you did.
She coughed her head
I have shot that I have hit the child because the standings are close, but in the rear it is jumping over the street and you mother normal after
Don’t worry, there’s nothing! I bet 100% that if it actually comes to finding mistakes on both road users! And she knows that
There’s no need to worry.
But the child was very close