Verschwörung um unseren Chef?
Ich arbeite in einem großen Konzern im Team mit mehreren Mitarbeitern, unseren Chef sehen wir eigentlich nie und wenn wir ihn sehen, passiert das in sehr seltsamen Zusammenhängen. Mal im zerissenen Hawaihemd halbt nackt, mal Oberkörperfrei, mal im T Shirt ohne Ärmel.
Derzeit steht unsere Lagerhalle leer weil nulle Regale rein kommen. Unser Chef ist in der Lagerhalle verschwunden und plötzlich hörte man schrillende Motorengeräusche und unser Chef lachte sehr laut und hat sowas gerufen wie yiha.
Es gibt Verschwörungen im Team, dass er von Aliens besessen ist. Was denkt ihr darüber?
So I think the aliens we can exclude, but perhaps he has a disgusting personality and a very diverse double life and celebrates the private as ossy ossbourne, that comes to me more plausible and probably than the theory with the aliens.
This with the aliens is a metaphor: He’s obsessed with aliens.
Since the warehouse has been empty, he has parked his sports car in the hall and today you heard circular engine noises while the boss laughed loud for 10 minutes and screamed through the hall.
Therefore, there is the theory with the ghost motor wheel and that he rests in the hall.
na .. then we hope that the ghost motorcycle does not get rid of itself as a “christine” and that the situation with the rare chef will soon turn off again and a normality enters your karge warehouse where you can enjoy rest 😅
Friendship, women, politics, people, work, German, Germany, finance, economy, termination, salary, career, employment contract, working hours, and overtime?
that’s interesting. Your statement is based on your person, but the subjects you have linked should refer to the question and its context. I guess you misunderstood 🥱
The team is friends with me, I am a woman, politics and cars belongs together, the warehouse is on my work, the question is in German, I am in Germany, in the company there are finances, the company makes business, I get salary, I make career, I have a work contract and the incident happened during working hours in an overtime.
Is the work you do in balance to the salary?
Then I wouldn’t worry.
Yes, we all earn above average well 😂😂 60,000+ per year.
Since day 1 stories have been told about our boss. Since the warehouse is empty, he has parked his sports car in the warehouse. We think he’s going through
I think you’d better get kar.
I think you should do better your work instead of snooping behind this hard working man
We’ve been working here on day 1 but since I’ve been working here on day 1, there’s the stories about our boss because he’s always seen in very funny relationships.
because as a newcomer you believe everything? where do you live? make yourself a picture and don’t believe in stories or rumors
Do you work in the disabled workshop or how do you get that bullshit?
Because he put his sports car in the warehouse as long as there are no shelves. The warehouse is currently its parking lot. Since I’ve been working here on day 1 stories about our boss