Verschwommene Sicht am PC?
bei mir passiert das manchmal, dass einfach so meine Sicht am PC/Handy verschwommen ist. Rundherum ist alles klar. Ich war vor einem halben Jahr schon mal bei Augenarzt, die meinte da ist nichts. Doch jetzt passiert es wieder öfter.
Kann mir jemand helfen?
P.S. Ich sitze wirklich nicht so viel am PC.
That’s because you’re staring on the screen too long. This will help you Cilliarms in the eye to failure. This little muscle controls your lens to focus. If this is exhausted, he can no longer focus and you see everything blurred.
Sad that eye doctors can’t tell you…
Thank you.
Zero Problemo 🙂
I advise you to go to an surgery shop to check if you may be easy to go.
If this isn’t the case, then get used to the screen/handy that you don’t stick to the device, but do enough lips. Most only make a maximum of 10 lip stops, while normally at least twice the number per minute. Your cornea is cleaned and cooled with every lip stroke, which is very important for your eyes.
Thank you.
I had something like that, too. With me, “eye pain” was added. And the eye doctor said that I shouldn’t be too close to the screen, and then I was given an eye drop.
If only your picture is blurred and everything else isn’t, then I would look for the problem on the screen and not with you.
Otherwise, I’d tap on dry eyes, but that’s blue.
How old are you? From about 50 the age perspective begins. This means that you still see sharply in the distance, near it is becoming ever more sharp. Only one reading goggle or a sliding viewing goggle helps.
I’m 16
Then you have a little time 😂 An ophthalmologist will be able to help you.