Verschwommen sehen durch Mascara?
Hallo zusammen,
mir ist aufgefallen dass ich tagsüber oft verschwommen sehe bzw. einen Schleier über den Augen habe. Kann das von der Mascara kommen? Dass vielleicht Partikel davon ins Auge gelangen? Oder habe ich einfach trockene Augen? (Arbeite im Büro am PC)
To exclude the mascara, you could leave it a few days. ?
I think it’s not like that, but dry eyes. On the PC or mobile phone you make much less eyelids than usual. The eye is therefore not sufficiently moistened, the surface dries faster. This can lead to roasted, burning eyes, even to blurred.
Please let the ophthalmologist know if everything is okay from a medical point of view with your film of tears and the amount of tears as well as corneal. My advice to you. If this is the case, you can also make a visual test with an optician to let you check your visual strength.
I did a visual test two weeks ago, but my eyes are great. Just got my eye drops from the pharmacy, see if it gets better
Thanks for your feedback, and I press the thumbs that will help the drops in the long term.
So with me this is also how a new Mascara has been used and now it is again so I use the lash Princess in green
Thank God I am not alone with it, thought that would be psychic:D
You look a bit like a fog, right?
One more reason to put the stuff down. What polluting products women are putting on their face and what resources they consume, the fewest women are thinking about.
Vlt’s how you bend your eyelashes? I mean, you don’t bend her up so far and you still see that?