Verschiedene Wellenlängen im Lichts existent?
Alle wissen wie ein Prisma funktioniert wie mir scheint. Meine erklärung:
Bruch 1: Licht wird zerstreut und trifft dann zerstreut auf die andere Bruchseite.
Bruch 2: Licht wird mit unterschiedlichen Intensitäten von weißem Licht gebündelt.
Fazit: Das Licht hat keine unterschiedlichen Wellenlängen enthalten. Rot zB ist energetischeres weißes gebündeltes Licht und Blau ist bei der bündelung energetisch ärmer(langsamer) geworden weil nicht so viel weißes Licht eingefallen ist.
Also andere Wellenlängen werden nicht aus weißem Licht entfernt bei dem ausschlaggebenden Farbergenis sonder weißes Licht wird einfach energetisch Reicher oder Ärmer.
I find the explanation more plausible, the alleged dispersion was invented by Soros to stimulate the sale of optical devices. Another note: Erdinger Weißbier can also not make a Erdinger buntbier with different fast casting.
Must it be after midnight and you already have a box of Oettinger intus so that it makes sense?
This ignores some basic facts:
The speed of light in glass is already a function of energy. Otherwise, a prism wouldn’t work. Achromatic and apochromatic optics are then not necessary to construct them in a complicated manner.
There is still no vote here, because pseudoscience is always a question of personal opinion. We don’t want to suppress anyone, gelle.
Simple experiment to refute your claim:
Take a laser and shine through a prism. If the prism would divide a wavelength into different ones, then your laser would have to be colored.
After this theory we take red light throw it through a prism: should arise due to infrared above and red below. Because red light will fall in the second bundle, by concentrating other wavelengths, the “less energetic” are not slow. So when red light comes only invisible to dark red light then red light comes from the prisma.
The experiment is different: The light of the laser completely retains its color. The fact that it becomes somewhat weaker during passage through matter is correct. Part of the energy is absorbed. But that doesn’t change the color. Monochromatic light remains monochromatic.
So guys and girls, I can’t track this answer and get notification for each of your comments here.
We agree that we are not in agreement. More informationI’m saying more, right?
Google: Standard board for additive color mixing
And what looks is enough a cyan with a little more blue tone and yellow with a little orange to mix something like white…
Also because of the subtractive colour mixture and yellow. Additive describes light colors and subtractively “body colors” so that we don’t talk past each other. Subtractive color mixing has nothing to look for here. They have made a negative of the additive blue red green image and therefore one means cyan yellow and magenta yield together black. In reality, however, you can take the additive representation and should recognize from the representation that is not only red blue green = white. Also cyan magenta yellow. And every single circle with its colors apart from the middle white could also be similar to white if you choose the parts and color of the colors correctly according to the norm table. Only the image of the additive color mixture does not completely match the standard panel. It is necessary to take a green with a changed colour shade and also to divide it to the least in order to get something like white with pure yellow and cyan.
Two colors rich in for an additive color mix to get white after this web page when the spectral colors are divided into 12 colors:
Isn’t my message…
White is produced in the additive color mixture of red, green and blue. Two colors are not enough, you need three. Go to your cell phone or the TV with a magnifying glass: what lights in white areas?
Yellow is needed only in the subtractive colour mixture and then with cyan and magenta.
I don’t understand why you don’t accept the simplest facts.
Okey green yellow cyan.
The two pictures are also great for understanding wavelengths. There’ll be 1 wrong. color mixing-filter.svg?1618217297
The images and compare the cyanfilter/yellow filter image.
I admit that I did not deal with additive color mixing, and also filter/prisma results did not study. But I am pleased to hear some of my statements from intuition as confirmed.
As for example, the statement that one cannot simply extinguish each wave length of the color spectrum individually in the prismatic result if one apparently radiates white light onto a prisma and just as little goes that in the case of colored lights that one has just color, each one for itself lacks exactly 1 part of the color spectrum and summarizes these confirm that individual wavelengths can be removed from the prismatic result in all variations. The acceptance of the light thus consists of individual “wavelengths” or colors of the color spectrum could be well denied from this background. A prisma is only and simply a calculating tool with which you can calculate colors but not “split” into its components. In particular, in the case of colourful spectral colors, the >immer< itself also reproduces. Doesn't the theory that from the spectrally colored light is broken up in wavelengths do not bear the statement that the input must not be present in the output if a prism breaks up somewhat into its different wavelengths?
The one prisma thus breaks somewhat into its wavelengths is therefore paradoxical
Well then a large number of ghosts on this world sees shortwave light as energetic.
Does not change the fact that the spectral colors are divided into two sides and cannot be mixed with white from one side with certainty.
If yellow/green should be sufficient to represent white, this means that the full color spectrum is no longer decisive and white light can already be reduced to this color combination. And you do not need the outside areas of the color spectrum even if they are reproduced in a prisma. This reduces the human white feeling to exactly two essential colors that are decisive for a white feeling. If now some of the spectral colors are no longer decisive and are yellow green essential (what they are for every white mix also) and you notice hoppla these spectral colors are random when you look at the prisma next to white and maybe they are essential and perhaps also white energetically similar. (And with red and blue you do something about this wavy length or gives saturation) Perhaps then you can also see that when showing a prismatic representation you should leave your place instead of blinding it. Maybe you get to the things you didn’t really realize before. e.g. that one most likely needs something in the normal combination of wavelengths from the color spectrum in order to get white through a lens (as already mentioned) that is definitely close to white.
Magenta is not a spectral color because it only exists as mixed light. Magenta has no wavelength, but is a sensation of our brain, just as white.
What? The energy of photons depends linearly on the frequency. And that of blue is higher than that of red.
I’m sorry, but you’re getting bored. Please work with science. Physics would help. And it’s enough for the stuff you should have learned at school.
How red light behaves in prisma.
Magenta is a mixture of red and blue because apparently the breaks in other spectral colors are lifted up by the interplay of red and blue and nothing passes through?
Yellow on the other hand gives green and yellow orange red again
Cyan, on the other hand, blue cyan etc which gives cyan
Apparently, the colors also keep their position no matter which filter you put in front of them because they apparently need these angles to keep their wavelengths…
Would you take blue would probably be just blue to purple there maybe a bit of cyan
What really doesn’t change my theory. We talk about colored light and not white light. Depending on the seemingly invisible filter (so that the light still remains in white) any color of the color spectrum can be negated as individual. If this is possible, I see white light as interplay of colors or wavelengths of colors. Otherwise, the whole is more theory
What is more energetic is probably a matter of view. Plants long bluish light as energetically poorer and spam to produce the laborious fruits and blossoms that are very energy-rich and are prone to them(on them) and put on growth in blue light. Maybe blue light doesn’t really appeal to chlorophyll… although it’s more energy-rich?
In red light they put on blossoms and thus on fruit.
And as far as the mixing of light is concerned, I will bet each one that can be mixed from green and yellow white. And that one does not always need the ends of the spectra: speak blue violet and red above all. Why do you always take blue and red and then something close to white? So that, of course, the full color spectrum is imitated from one side, white will not be mixed. This puts my guess close to the white a measurable wave length, which is located almost centrally in the region of the wavelengths of the color spectrum and that this represents the absolute center to which it goes too short-wave or long-wave.
Red light is less energy than white light. Blue light is more energetic than red and white light.
Yes, of course, this is so: mixed light like a white laser is split back into the monochromatic basic colors by a prism.
You can easily make yourself with a laser beamer. This is exactly how it works: A prism bundles the three basic colors into a common light beam. That’s both directions.
And that’s why red energetically richer than pure white light
I also pour oil into the fire
In addition, I would have to remove the “focus lens” (or whatever you call it) from the laser, because it is likely to create the effect of the prism, in addition to the above mentioned points, then I still need an infrared measuring device to measure the invisible areas of the light. Which laboratory should I look for your opinion to test this game? Because of white lasern:
The colors should be combined by a focus lens. After the faktum only red green blue should come out of this white laser if you leave the lens and throw the light through nen prisma
Otherwise there are white led with a blue engraving (no red parts) and possibly white led with a red oangerot engraving (no blue parts) other types I don’t know.
A black hole whose event horizon is likely to go into the reddish would be a blazar likely to go into the purple. Not because any kind of filtering takes place, but because light is actively accelerated or slowed down. A prisma effect (as it stands in the book) does not play out with the other wavelengths, but only the attraction and what makes the matter with light.
What disturbs me in the representation of the spectral-color series of an ordinary representation of a prism is the one prisma now also emits white light in this type of experiment, which is completely ignored
The prism is set in such a way that the outer areas of the white light cross, which is quite beautiful and good for illustration, but is a mistake when it comes to my statement and perhaps even the calculations of wavelengths.
With sharp eye you will notice all the colors also present if you do not allow a prisma to cross all the colors and white in the color spectrum leaves its place. It can be seen that the color spectrum is nevertheless perfect only white a middle one pretends from which it goes into the shortwave or into the longwave
After the current factum, it should be possible, for example, to let pure red wavelengths and green that was mixed again split into just red and green. So I want to see this play before I believe it
It’s just like wavelength of the laser, yes. There’s nothing to be absorbed here, there’s nothing to be absorbed.
There are no white lasers. White is not monochromatic.
According to your statement, in the first place instead of the full spectrum of colours red and nothing at all comes at the rest. The light will be simply absorbed after the second break where the other colors would have emerged.
Such a field test with exactly one laser pointer and nem prisma has exactly 0 expressive power when I don’t know the direction what I need to test with white light. Bzw best of a light source that can light both white and then also red…
You mean two laser pointers or lights: a white and a red.
Yes, try it yourself: Laserpointer and Prisma. But no, not in all areas of spectral colors, but only in the area of this spectral color
I did this at another thema here, however, I mean that by the angles of the strong breaks and not by the way the blue light in the case will be slowed down, it would behave exactly differently with red. The light is accelerated by increasing the light concentration at red and the light refraction.
You want to tell me you have an experiment that shows a prisma exactly instead of the spectral colors with nem red light pure red light in all areas of the spectral colors?
Funny theory. 400 years ago, I think it would have been taken seriously. Since then, however, this has been refuted with numerous experiments and investigations, no less than Sir Isaac Newton. But if you think you know better, think what you want.
No, it’s not.
each individual set in this “theory” is easy to identify experimentally.
Do you prefer to think of a bullshit instead of learning physics?
Now, he walks into Goethe’s footsteps #Color teaching
Goethe believed in ‘polluted’ light…
A man known for his great scientific knowledge!
Phtotons have a wavelength. White is not a wavelength. And the energy of a photon is assigned exactly to a wavelength: E=h *f
In this respect, you just write complete nonsense.
There’s no doubt about it. However, when impacting an object, these wavelengths are bundled. What radiates then corresponds to a uniform wave length with a fraction of what was originally present in the output light.
There is mixed light. Like white light. The rest is nonsense. If electromagnetic waves of matter are elastically scattered – this is the correct expression for what you mean – the wavelengths are not bundled and reflected with a uniform wavelength. If that were, there would be no white objects, but only monochrome with spectral colors.