Verschiedene Wellenlängen im Lichts existent?

Alle wissen wie ein Prisma funktioniert wie mir scheint. Meine erklärung:

Bruch 1: Licht wird zerstreut und trifft dann zerstreut auf die andere Bruchseite.

Bruch 2: Licht wird mit unterschiedlichen Intensitäten von weißem Licht gebündelt.

Fazit: Das Licht hat keine unterschiedlichen Wellenlängen enthalten. Rot zB ist energetischeres weißes gebündeltes Licht und Blau ist bei der bündelung energetisch ärmer(langsamer) geworden weil nicht so viel weißes Licht eingefallen ist.

Also andere Wellenlängen werden nicht aus weißem Licht entfernt bei dem ausschlaggebenden Farbergenis sonder weißes Licht wird einfach energetisch Reicher oder Ärmer.

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1 year ago

I find the explanation more plausible, the alleged dispersion was invented by Soros to stimulate the sale of optical devices. Another note: Erdinger Weißbier can also not make a Erdinger buntbier with different fast casting.

1 year ago

Break 1: Light is scattered and then strikes the other side of the break.

Break 2: Light is bundled with different intensities of white light.


Must it be after midnight and you already have a box of Oettinger intus so that it makes sense?

Conclusion: The light has no different wavelengths. Red e.g. is more energetic white bundled light and blue has become more energetically poorer (slower) because not so much white light has occurred.

This ignores some basic facts:

  1. The only way in which the energies of photons can differ is different wavelengths. So you have either “no different wavelengths”, or you have “differently energetic light”. Decide what you want from both.
  2. Light does not become faster or slower, but has speed of light. Point.

So other wavelengths are not removed from white light at the decisive chromaticity special white light becomes simply energetic richer or poorer.

  1. What wavelength should “white light” have? I see all the visible Light spectrum between 400 nm (violet) and 700 nm (red) no single wavelength with white light.
  2. The energy of a photon is light velocity*Planck constant through wavelength. Light speed and Planck constant are known to be invariable. That is, if a photon becomes more energy-efficient or richer, this is necessarily associated with a change in the wavelength.
1 year ago
Reply to  RedPanther

The speed of light in glass is already a function of energy. Otherwise, a prism wouldn’t work. Achromatic and apochromatic optics are then not necessary to construct them in a complicated manner.

1 year ago

There is still no vote here, because pseudoscience is always a question of personal opinion. We don’t want to suppress anyone, gelle.

1 year ago

Simple experiment to refute your claim:

Take a laser and shine through a prism. If the prism would divide a wavelength into different ones, then your laser would have to be colored.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lichtikus

The experiment is different: The light of the laser completely retains its color. The fact that it becomes somewhat weaker during passage through matter is correct. Part of the energy is absorbed. But that doesn’t change the color. Monochromatic light remains monochromatic.

1 year ago

So guys and girls, I can’t track this answer and get notification for each of your comments here.

We agree that we are not in agreement. More informationI’m saying more, right?

1 year ago

White is produced in the additive color mixture of red, green and blue. Two colors are not enough, you need three. Go to your cell phone or the TV with a magnifying glass: what lights in white areas?

Yellow is needed only in the subtractive colour mixture and then with cyan and magenta.

I don’t understand why you don’t accept the simplest facts.

1 year ago

Magenta is not a spectral color because it only exists as mixed light. Magenta has no wavelength, but is a sensation of our brain, just as white.

1 year ago

What? The energy of photons depends linearly on the frequency. And that of blue is higher than that of red.

I’m sorry, but you’re getting bored. Please work with science. Physics would help. And it’s enough for the stuff you should have learned at school.

1 year ago

Red light is less energy than white light. Blue light is more energetic than red and white light.

1 year ago

Yes, of course, this is so: mixed light like a white laser is split back into the monochromatic basic colors by a prism.

You can easily make yourself with a laser beamer. This is exactly how it works: A prism bundles the three basic colors into a common light beam. That’s both directions.

1 year ago

It’s just like wavelength of the laser, yes. There’s nothing to be absorbed here, there’s nothing to be absorbed.

1 year ago

There are no white lasers. White is not monochromatic.

1 year ago

Yes, try it yourself: Laserpointer and Prisma. But no, not in all areas of spectral colors, but only in the area of this spectral color

1 year ago

Funny theory. 400 years ago, I think it would have been taken seriously. Since then, however, this has been refuted with numerous experiments and investigations, no less than Sir Isaac Newton. But if you think you know better, think what you want.

1 year ago

No, it’s not.

1 year ago

each individual set in this “theory” is easy to identify experimentally.

1 year ago

Do you prefer to think of a bullshit instead of learning physics?

1 year ago
Reply to  Spikeman197

Now, he walks into Goethe’s footsteps #Color teaching

1 year ago
Reply to  LDanne

Goethe believed in ‘polluted’ light…

1 year ago
Reply to  LDanne

A man known for his great scientific knowledge!


1 year ago

Phtotons have a wavelength. White is not a wavelength. And the energy of a photon is assigned exactly to a wavelength: E=h *f


In this respect, you just write complete nonsense.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lichtikus

There is mixed light. Like white light. The rest is nonsense. If electromagnetic waves of matter are elastically scattered – this is the correct expression for what you mean – the wavelengths are not bundled and reflected with a uniform wavelength. If that were, there would be no white objects, but only monochrome with spectral colors.