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In vocational school there was actually the Rosentag. On February 14th or Valentine’s Day for I think two Euros buy a rose and let the SMV representatives bring someone to anyone. Was a nice and rather symbolic action, the proceeds benefited a regional life aid agreement for mentally handicapped persons.
No, I don’t see any reason in it – why should I?
No, there’s no boy I’d do that.
You don’t do that, maybe chocolate, but never roses.
Why no rose
Because that’s stupid, got written kilng beklopt
It sounds not to do it
Not really
In fact, we already have
We had a rose action.
Everyone was allowed to give roses to his friends.
Perfect bullying, you saw who had no friends.
But that always comes to school. With us, the action has hardly taken anyone seriously, it was more such a fun where you have been or not.
With us the “loves” always got a whole bouquet of four or five roses and those who had no friends then sat around without anything.
The same with the Nikolaus action on 6 December.
With us this was rather “I show you that you have no friends” action.
With us this was more such a gag, where as a boy of his partner or his swarm you had a rose, I always only let my girlfriend get one, and it was always clear to her that this rose comes from me anyway.
There was also a Santa Claus action, but I don’t know what it was. It was certainly also mixed with a social aspect.
But we also had a certain “spirit” at the vocational school, which was worn by top teachers. Mobbing was more the exception and was very severely punished according to the motto, if you like others, you get it out anyway, then you flee from school and can look who will take you up or not.
At my old real school, however, this would definitely also be a “I show you that you have no friends” action. There was a miserable climate.
At the school of one of our daughters there were these rose days.
If I remember correctly, that was 1 x in the quarter.
A nice thing just to say thank you to each other for friendship, courage, help, civil courage, great ideas, appreciation, support, humour etc.
I brought something for my birthday.
I got one if you want to share
Awe, you’re clearly part of the things that are perfect 🥹🥹
You finally have a subscription
I don’t listen to that every day, so I’ll take this as a compliment. 😍
We never did