Versand per Nachnahme?
Ist es riskant, einen teuren Artikel per Nachnahme zu kaufen? Wenn ich die Möglichkeit habe, über Kleinanzeigen etwas per Nachnahme zu erhalten, kann ich dann das Paket vor dem Paketboten öffnen, um sicherzustellen, dass alles in Ordnung ist? Wenn nicht, kann ich das Paket direkt zurückgeben und mein Geld zurückverlangen?
Yes, because a brick can be in the package.
No, first After payment.
And the package messenger does not have to stay in the opening.
Not to the package messenger, it’s already gone.
You can then contact the seller.
If the package was filled with false content, a contact building with the seller would be rather useless, as this obviously indicates a fraud.
But with this the package messenger has nothing to do, you have to deal with the seller
It would be difficult:
You’d probably have to complain to the seller, and a lawyer doesn’t work for free.
Let it stay easy with the aftermath, then there are no problems.
I wouldn’t have a chance to get my money back, would I?
By private or not a renowned dealer…Jupp
But only after you’ve paid and the messenger hasn’t done anything else.
And after you pay, the payer is not allowed to return the money.