Verpackungsmaschinen für Tiernahrung?

Ich befasse mich derzeit mit dem Thema Verpackungsmaschinen für Tiernahrung und suche nach Ratschlägen und Empfehlungen. Kennt jemand gute Verpackungsmaschinen, die speziell dafür geeignet sind? Welche Erfahrungen habt ihr gemacht oder welche Marken könnt ihr empfehlen? Ich freue mich auf eure Tipps und Einblicke. Vielen Dank im Voraus!

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9 months ago

I absolutely agree with . If you want to pack as high as possible, you should do without packaging material with plasticizer.

In our company we use it for various foods such as dairy products, dry products, fine food, meat, sausage and confectionery. I know that Somic also extra Packaging machines for animal food offer.

They are efficient, protect the products and are easy to use. The investment has paid off through increased efficiency and security. We are very happy.

I hope this will help you with your decision!

9 months ago

I do not know packaging machines, but plasticizers should be dispensed with in cans. As recently discovered, they are also in almost all doses of human food. Certainly also in animal food.