Verpackte Hähnchenbrust ca. 20 Stunden ungekühlt. Kann man das noch essen?
Es geht nicht um frisches Fleisch von Markt, sondern um verpackte Hähnchenbrust-Scheiben von Gutfried aus dem Kühlregal.
Ich habe die Packung gestern am späten Nachmittag gekauft, dann aber im Rucksack vergessen und erst heute Vormittag/Mittag entdeckt. Dann natürlich direkt in den Kühlschrank getan.
Würdet ihr die noch essen?
How warm was it? It’s a bit isolated in the backpack. If he didn’t just stand on the heater, the meat was probably not warm all the time.
I’d probably eat it, depending on optics and smell. Of course, in any case well cooked, maybe in a soup or a curry where you cook for a while.
It’s critical, just at wings. I wouldn’t eat it even if it looks good and smells
looks good, smells good, tastes good then you can eat it
not fast in poultry you have poisoning
20 hours, especially for poultry, are quite a lot. Too much, I mean. I wouldn’t eat.
Yes, but right away. Don’t wait anymore. And well cook/bread.
no please dispose quickly you have a Poisoning straight chicken meat is there quickly toxic and still cold cut.
– I wouldn’t eat it anymore!