Vermittlungsgespräch bei beim Jobcenter während der Ausbildung?
ich mache eine Ausbildung über einen Bildungsträger und habe diesen Monat ein Vermittlungsgespräch beim Jobcenter.
Was genau erwartet mich da? Und wieso habe ich soetwas während der Ausbildung?
If training was created by an educational institution via the job center, you will want to talk about the state of training.
Probably you just want to know how it’s going in training.
As strange as this is, but your job placement is still above the end of your training at the job center. We had the case one time. We just advised the azuubine to take her applications.
Alternatively, you will be invited to a conversation for the time after the completion of the training.
My training goes until summer. So I think an ending is unlikely
Then I guess I’ll be. to be a job interview topic or it is just a general knowledge of your (later) professional situation. It will only know the placement skills of the job center.
Perhaps there are differences of opinion that need to be resolved
I suspect that the training will end and your future will be resolved.
My training goes until summer. So I think an ending is unlikely
Well, you’ll find out on the date. Oracles doesn’t really help.