Vermieter hat Vogellöcher unter dem Dach mit Bauschaum zugemacht, was nun?
es scheint so, dass noch junge Vögel drinnen sind, denn die Eltern picken wie verrückt an dem Bauschaum und haben auch Futter im Schnabel. Was kann ich machen? Ich habe den Vermieter angerufen, aber er sagt nur , “kann nichts machen und tschüß” und hat aufgelegt. Ich kann doch nicht von mir aus auf den Dachboden gehen und das zugemachte Loch durchbohren. Das ist doch Sachbeschädigung. Übrigens, es sind Stare.
Please get started and see that you open the access!
If the landlord is mauling or threatening with anything, show him:
Otherwise, then call the nature protection that knows what to do. Make best pictures of the thing to have documents.
But now it’s high hurry. The boys are going to kill faster than you think.
So, last night we heard them silly. We tried to scratch the hole from the floor window. We can’t see how far the building foam is in the hole. It’s just too high. We hope it worked.
Everyone who thinks normally knows that now, at this time, the birds have boy.
Open up again and show the guy. He made himself punishable.
Maybe the boys are still alive. So go.
And please show the guy. Don’t make it any different.
Whether this is really property damage, if you only re-bore your building foam?
Police call, there have been several cases of this kind lately (EDIT) time
Don’t worry if you’re breaking something when the bird babies flew out, turn the hole back, but I don’t know if they’re still alive.
Then you can show the landlord for animal cruelty.
Yes, you can.
I’d open the holes if I can.
break the foam should go quite fast zb with nem sharp knife cut off.
This isn’t your thing.
And mutations about whether birds are in there or not, do not make it better.
You should assume that the landlord knows what he’s doing.
Best regards
A lot of reasonable answers here, many with references.
And then there’s such an expert coming in, and this is bullshit.
What do you have to do to become an expert here? Is there enough “to be able to breathe autonomously”?
Oh, did you see that day off? 👍🏻