Note for the driving license authority?

Hello, I was stopped by the police today, and they said they'll put a note on my driving record with the driver's license office because of my driving style. What are the consequences? I'm still on probation, and I've already taken the advanced driver's license course.

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5 months ago

In your case, the driving permit authority could pronounce a “warning” or arrange a medical-psychological examination (MPU) as you have already made a building seminar. If there is further susceptibility, there is a risk that the driving licence will be withdrawn.

In the future, you will be especially careful to avoid further problems.

5 months ago
Reply to  CrenshawCrip

Yes is unlikely, but further violations should be avoided.

5 months ago

This would then be a communication according to §2 Abs 12 StVG:

(12) The police shall provide information on facts which indicate not only temporary deficiencies regarding the suitability or deficiencies regarding the ability of a person to carry out motor vehicles to the driving licence authorities, to the extent necessary for the verification of suitability or competence from the point of view of the transmitting body. Where the notified information is not necessary for the assessment of suitability or competence, the documents shall be destroyed without delay.

5 months ago

Well, who doesn’t want to see yet, is just shut down, and can now come to himself for a few months without a card, I also fear.

5 months ago

Hi, has the police been able to show you in the context an offence that can be punished?

Then measures such as a driving ban or the arrangement of an MPU could threaten.

If you don’t, you’ll be told for further violations.

5 months ago

Despite the construction seminar, again policing?! Then your driving permit is in fact very endangered! The driving station is quite self-sufficient in their decisions.