Verlorenes Portemonnaie?
ich habe mein Portemonnaie verloren, schon überall geschaut und im Laden, wo ich zuletzt war, nachgefragt, ob es jemand abgegeben hat. Nichts.
Ich muss zur Schule mit der Bahn fahren, da aber mein Ticket, Bargeld und EC-Karte darin liegen, habe ich keine Möglichkeit dort hinzukommen. Eine weitere Fahrgelegenheit habe ich nicht.
Können mir jetzt meine Berufsschullehrerin und mein Arbeitgeber (sollte sie ihn kontaktieren), was anhaben? Und muss ich dann zur Anmeldung einen Krankenschein vorlegen, trotz das ich nicht krank bin?
First, did you think that the wallet could have been stolen? Lock the EC card first!
Call your employer (or school, depending on where you should be) and give them the reason for your absence. If this is a unique event, no one will tear your head off.
How can you get cash back? Help your parents?
If it was just lost, where did you last have it? Question on the train to (the registering finds), at other facilities where you have been, and at the find office.
Call in the office and ask what to do. Lock the card in case of cases! You may also call in the found office of the transport company with which you drive, as well as in the relevant police station, often there are some sources of information. Question in the office of the transport company also the same as it looks with a new ticket at loss.
And look for all bags, pockets, if necessary. Jackenbags through, all the rooms you have entered after the home, so also kitchen, bathroom etc. and also under and next to places where you would put your wallet or where you would unpack your bag (table, dresser, armchair etc.).
Contact employer and school (Today will be the cunning, from morning you have to borrow money), leave bank card locks.
I would wait one more day if it was delivered to the fund office and then request all documents and maps again.
You didn’t realize that the wallet was gone – so you could have borrowed money for a ticket with friends/related.
Of course, I only noticed it shortly before I went to sleep, I was shopping where I had my wallet in my hand last time, and I rushed to the bus early, much with that it is not because I usually have it in my pocket.
Did you look in the fridge? No joke: it often happens that wallets after shopping are accidentally placed in the refrigerator together with sausage and cheese…
Because you wrote that you asked in the store – then you will have to call in school and operation.
In the store I was early after I noticed it
Just so interested… did you get it back?