Injury to the inner labia?

Hey, I had extremely dry sex with my partner four days ago, which caused a lot of friction. Immediately afterward, I had problems with burning, itching, and pain. I took a closer look today and noticed that I have an injury on my inner left labia, which is only visible if I split it wide open. It looks similar to a canker sore, but there are no blisters. It's about 1 cm long. It really hurts.

Can you please help me and tell me what the best thing to do is or how it can heal the fastest?

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7 months ago

Bepanthen can be used in small wounds in the intimate area. Clean and keep clean with treating creams that are made for these, better said are suitable. If it doesn’t get better with it to the doctor to exclude infections and inflammation. Usually this should not make any problems with care in 2-3 days. Since it’s been four days now, I wouldn’t wait another three days. Is it?

Tannolact means the other cream you can use well. But there are also “protection albums”, I just don’t know the name. Otherwise, to the local pharmacy, tell problems and give yourself something.

7 months ago
Reply to  imsocool358

Creams do not improve wound healing.

7 months ago

Creams made for this can definitely help, especially if it hasn’t been better for days 🙂

7 months ago

Wounds in the mucous membrane area heal themselves and usually very quickly. If the problem has not settled within the next one or two days, go to the (woman) doctor.

7 months ago

eyes to and through