verletzung durch glasscheibe was tun?
guten abend wie im titel beschrieben hab ich ne verletzung und weiß gerade nicht weiter war auf einem geburtstag von einem freund die gruppe wurde immer kleiner einer der gäste fing mit seiner frau an zu streiten und hatte die tür zur küche verschlossen man hörte das er handgreiflich wurde und ich dachte es wäre schneller die glasscheibe der tür kaputt zu treten um ihr zu helfen (polizei war schon verständigt) auf dem heimweg merkte ich das tropfen meinem schienbein runterliefen
und mein schienbein fühlte sich nass an als ich nachsah fand ich eine wunde und weiß nicht ob ich zur notaufnahme soll oder bis früh morgens warten ich habe einen verband rumgewickelt aber der blutet durch und ich bin total überfordert was soll ich tun ? danke im vorraus
Honestly, call an ambulance. When the bandage is bleeding, the n GANZ is bad sign. You could have met important veins/arteries. Be a pity if you bleed overnight.
And more pleasant the next few weeks would also be because they will remove possible splinters in the hospital.
If this doesn’t stop bleeding, it’s better to go to the emergency room. Maybe blood vessels in the leg have been injured by the scissors, so a doctor has to look at them. If you pull out the scissors on your own, it can be dangerous.
From that to the first name. If there’s more splinters in there, they’ll have to get out as soon as possible.
it would be reasonable to walk because I can go yet but are last 25-30 minutes walk and there are no buses anymore
112 call
Stay where you are right now. Call the 112 (on) and follow his instructions…
Let’s see what this looks like so you can better estimate it
Do you have a spray or something?
I don’t think you’ll have to jump on that because it stopped bleeding
They do not make much in sick house
Clean wound and connect sterile. How to get bad at home
I write this just on the calculator is difficult to describe because I have learned to go over wounds with injury not with water or cloths but I think it could be with a ketchup squeeze bottle that is torn up at the edge compare blood in any case through the bandage
To the emergency room! Now! Maybe there would be no tomorrow for you…
Oh don’t exaggerate andreas and make young unnecessarily panic
info at the rande was in the sick house what andreas said was according to doctor actually exaggerated it were splinters in the wound but not many and the strong bleeding was easy explained by the doctor I have through the antibiotics that I need to take the info that these have diluted my blood
Better get out more (unnecessary) than “this person we could have helped if…”