Verletzen Vogel im Haus gefunden – was kann ich tun?
Ich habe unten im Wohnzimmer immer wieder ein lautes Zwitschern gehört und anschließend diesen Vogel gefunden.
Unsere Terrassentür steht offen, ich vermute mal, er ist hineingekommen und hat sich dann versteckt.
Ich habe ihn vorsichtig mit einem Handtuch in einem Schuhkarton gepackt und auf die Terrasse gestellt. Er zwitschert die ganze Zeit sehr laut, wenn er versucht zu stehen schwankt er sehr und kippt nach rechts, wo sein Flügel auch verletzt ist.
Kann ich den Vogel irgendwie helfen? Oder gibt es jemanden, der helfen kann? Er scheint am Flügel verletzt zu sein.
Ich bin erst 13, irgendwo hinfahren kann ich gerade nicht. Ich müsste dann warten, bis meine Mutter um 15 Uhr wieder da ist. Ich könnte aber Telefonieren.
The bird must have flew against the glass. Depending on, after some time, the birds are back in clear minds and be surprised, or they have seriously injured themselves.
Leave the little one in the box first, in a not too cold place and wait. Put a few cores in the box and a small bowl of water.
If you don’t get better, call your mother to the vet and ask what you can do.
Maybe you could call the vet and then go with your mother later. He can give you some tips.
I think a young bird who met your window pane during his first flight attempts. Since this is often associated with injuries, I would contact a wild bird aid and put it in a darkened cardboard (of course with air holes and not too long).
Then go to Google and search for animal welfare associations/animal homes in your area. They’ll help you.
Hello! Put a lid on the box to make it dark. Then try to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible. And take him very carefully in the box. Good luck for the kid and I hope I could help you!
This is a young Amsel that can’t fly yet. Please take her outside, her parents are looking for her and feeding her on.
I did, the parents already found the little one. The nest seems to be right in the garden with us, I put it in front of the tree. 😊
He’s not coming to the nest anymore, is he? He’s still sitting in front of the tree, but the parents are always coming down.
No, he doesn’t want to go to the nest anymore, because he wants to learn to fly and he can’t do that if you lock him in or bring him somewhere else. If the bird parents feed him further, then everything is good.
@amsel11 is right. Please take the young Amsel out again so that parents can feed the young bird further. I think there’s the young bird well off.
Amsel parents are usually looking for 24 hours. Just drop the bird where you found him. Or where the parents can recognize the young bird.
It’s out there. I put them on our streak for the first time, it’s out at the garden. If I put him down where I found him, it would be in the living room.
I then looked in the garden, whether there’s a nest in the trees, and there was one with an amsel sitting next to it. I put the little one on the tree cautiously (I didn’t touch it), and then I can watch from the terrace how the amsel has always come to the little ones and fed him. 😊
Very good!👍
Young birds from Amseln always stay on the ground after a time until they can fly sometime. Nevertheless, the parents come down and feed the young animals (as you have described as it is with you)
I wish you and the Amsel family a nice rest of the day😊
Where do you live in what place?