Verlangen nach Vape (m14)?

Ich habe seit ca einer Woche ein starkes verlangen eine vape zu kaufen um sie auszuprobieren ich habe aber angst dass ich gescammt, angezeigt, entführt oder erwischt werde habe einmal bei meinem bro in niederösterreich probiert (wohne in oberösterreich) seit der zeit will ich selber eine haben und einfach probieren ich kann aber mit fast niemanden darüber reden da es immer heisst ich soll es lassen will ich aber nicht. Tips?

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4 months ago

Go to the kiosk and ask. Don’t sell it. You didn’t do anything illegal. If they sell it, only the sellers committed a crime.

Consumption is not criminal.

Nothing can happen to you except the parents are informed and the vape is taken away from you.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

That you are displayed or kidnapped would be unlikely. It’s more likely that you’ll be sucked and/or caught. You don’t have any legal consequences. At least one info to your parents or the like.

What, of course, doesn’t mean you should. The Vape market is unfortunately very badly controlled. There are many devices in circulation that do not meet EU requirements. The use of this is associated with inestimable health risks. Apart from the fact that these disposable parts are to be disposed of as a special waste after emptying. Very bad for our environment.

My tip: The desire for it will reappear with time. The more interesting other things you’re dealing with. There’s so much you can do.

4 months ago

I have been asking for a strong vape for about a week

Since the sale and the transfer to minors are prohibited by law, you can’t buy Vape, but you can only bring them into your possession illegally.

to try them

What is still not allowed to you with illegally owned products.

because it always says I want to leave it, but I don’t want to.

What you want is completely irrelevant. You don’t have the freedom of choice!

4 months ago

If you don’t want to die prematurely of lung cancer, you better leave it!

4 months ago

Who should want to kidnap you just because you want to test your boundaries like many other pupils?

4 months ago

Finger away please

4 months ago

Do not do it will make you addicted