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10 months ago

Is it the, what kind of hard disk.

A SSD hard drive or a USB stick keeps unconnected 2 to 3 years until the data start to decay. However, this has nothing to do with the lifespan, because if you also connect it for 10 or 20 minutes, it gets an electric charge again and keeps the next 2 to 3 years.

A HDD hard drive works magnetic, so it doesn’t matter how long you leave it. However, HDDs are more susceptible to shocks, which does not bother in a normal cabinet.

10 months ago

In the case of sticks – the data are stored by electrical charges – this does not last forever, but very long (more than 1 year). If he’s connected again, it should be refreshed.

The magnetic charges on an HDD are even more durable, but I already had plates that after approx. 10-15 years of storage without anything else, got reading errors. For as long as you have to be interested in the data.

The CD / DVD / Blueray should hold even longer because it is stored visually. At some point the plastic material will yield.

I tend to: sticks are nothing for long-term storage.

CD / DVD / BR – you have to take care of it.

HDD: describe or re-store every x-year.

It’s not the King’s Way. I know.

10 months ago

HDD doesn’t matter.

The juice starts with the USB stick (SSD also).