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2 years ago

You are neither a holder nor an insurance company, so you have nothing to do with the incident.

§95 VVG:

(1) If the insured item is sold by the insurance undertaking, the acquirer shall enter into the rights and obligations of the insurance undertaking resulting from the insurance relationship during the period of his ownership.

The same is also in your insurance terms, just like the duty, the sale to report the insurance immediately.

According to a clear view, the holder is the one who has used a motor vehicle for his own account and has the power to make available that requires such use.

Federal Administrative Court, judgment of 20.02.1987 – 7 C 14/84.

You no longer have the vehicle in use for your own account and you no longer have the power to make available, so you can no longer be the owner of the vehicle, even if it is still permitted on you.

2 years ago

The topic we had just last week

And if you have recorded a purchase contract in writing also with the insurance and unsubscribe, then the insurance and the duty to the buyer goes over

Car sold but not yet registered – Buyer has accident (

2 years ago

To what extent can I be held responsible for insurance, criminal and/or civil law?

Not if you can prove the sale.

2 years ago

Don’t worry, except for paperwork and trouble with insurance/authorities, you don’t have to worry. Both civil and criminal law are transferred to the new owner with the date of purchase.

You are not liable as an active or active insurer (the SF class is not touched) or as a vehicle holder (holder liability).

2 years ago

What can /can come to me?

I think the liability can be limited or excluded by the (hopefully written and unambiguous) contract. But what comes to you is going to be a lot of paperwork and law firm.

Therefore: Never to sell registered…there is for all means and ways, so that the buyer can still take the Fzg. – but without your risk.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gehilfling

and law firm.

? He shows the sale, and the story is over.

2 years ago

If you have documented the sale and handover (and, ideally, have reported to insurance and registration office), only writings will come to you.

2 years ago

Yeah, you shouldn’t.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Right! Shouldn’t be done!