Verkehrsberuhigter Freihalten?
Guten Tag,
Muss ich einen verkehrsberuhigten Bereich freihalten bei Stau?
Guten Tag,
Muss ich einen verkehrsberuhigten Bereich freihalten bei Stau?
Reicht ein normaler Führerschein B aus, um ein Auto auf einem Autotrailer zu transportieren? Das Gesamtgewicht darf ja nicht 3.5 t überschreiten. Oder braucht man unbedingt den Führerschein BE?
What penalties are there for riding a moped without a license? That is, without a test certificate or driver's license.
Kann ich als Begleitperson mit über 0,7 Promille immer noch bei begleitendem Fahren die Aufsichtsperson sein? oder wie ist das geregelt? also hier ist angenommen dass die Person die fährt (zB 17 Jahre) natürlich wie geregelt 0 Promille hat (-> Probezeit)
Some police documentaries say that if things get too dangerous, they'll call off a chase—if there's a danger to life and limb. There are countless videos on YouTube of German police chasing scooter riders, for example, and endangering them massively, as well as other road users. Accordingly, any pursuit of a scooter or motorcycle should…
Hello everyone I was having trouble with my girlfriend. We got into a fight and we were both injured. Then I got into the car and drove away backwards. Three guys drove past in a car. They saw me driving forwards and hit them. She was slightly injured and the witnesses told the police, which…
I'd like to start working on my A2 driver's license and I read that the theory lessons are valid for two years. Is that true? I completed my theory lessons for my car driver's license in summer 2023.
How do you keep “free”? There is a ban on holding and parking if you mean that.
Who comes from a traffic-smooth area is subject to waiting. Nevertheless, you should keep him free when you look back, because someone might want to drive in or drive out a blue light utility vehicle.
You shouldn’t be in such a way that you’re making a traffic disability.