Verkauftes Auto nicht umgemeldet – Brief von der Polizei?


ich habe im August mein altes Auto verkauft. Mit dem Käufer wurde ein Kaufvertrag geschlossen und ihm wurden 5 Tage Zeit für die Ummeldung gegeben. Da ich eigenmächtig eine Veräußerungsanzeige mit meinen Daten und denen des Käufers an die Versicherung und Zulassungsstelle geschickt habe, bin ich davon ausgegangen das alles gut ist. Falsch gedacht.

Nun kam ein Brief von der Polizei. Der Käufer wurde bei einer Verkehrskontrolle mit Fahren ohne Führerschein erwischt und hat das Auto scheinbar nicht umgemeldet. Jetzt weiß ich nicht genau ob ich mich direkt an einen Anwalt wenden soll oder mich erstmal bei der Polizei melden soll. In dem Schreiben der Polizei steht auch drinnen das ich der Halter bin und diese Tat zugelassen habe bzw. angeordnet habe.

Vielleicht kann mir hier einer helfen.

Liebe Grüße


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2 years ago

You have concluded a purchase agreement with the acquirer on the sale of your vehicle and sent the sale ad to your competent car registration office and your insurance. In this respect, you have fulfilled your legal obligations in principle. The vehicle registration authority shall monitor the dismantling or transfer of the vehicle. You are required to pay the tax on motor vehicles up to the transfer or re-establishment of the vehicle. You need to cancel your insurance. Inform yourself with your competent car registration authority according to the current status. After the transmission of an insurance ad and the initiation of a police detention after the vehicle, the police could immediately have stolen the vehicle at the police check and the vehicle could no longer have been moved!

The purchase contract or I’d also send the police a sales ad. You have also made yourself punishable only if the acquirer was not in possession of a valid driving permit at the time of handover of the vehicle. In this case, of course, you would have admitted this crime. In this case, I would be advised by a lawyer!

If the acquirer submitted a valid driving permit to you when the vehicle was handed over or had been in possession of a driving permit, you would of course not have permitted a criminal offence. Then you only need to submit the purchase contract or the sale ad of the police and the matter would be done for you.

2 years ago

Shields of the police first of all have to prove the facts that you hope to be able to prove – actually the license plate had to be written out for the fading…

2 years ago

Not for free will always be advised to sell a vehicle registered.

I’d go to the police first with the contract.

2 years ago

You acted right. The registration office will know and you will hardly have any problems. The police share this.

2 years ago

I have beenm August sold my old car.

And now you get mail?

Didn’t you get another vehicle on the insurance contract at that time?

2 years ago

So I would really stick to a lawyer in this case.

2 years ago

That’s right

2 years ago

As long as the vehicle is not overwritten, you are still responsible. And if you handed out the vehicle to him, and don’t even make sure he has a driving permit at all, you can also be prosecuted. This can even lead to the withdrawal of DEINER licence.

2 years ago
Reply to  DerHans

By handing over the KFz letter and the car key I am no longer owner. The new owner is responsible for everything.

When selling, I don’t have to check if the new owner has a driver’s license, because maybe he doesn’t even drive with it, but a completely different one.

1 year ago
Reply to  Horus737

You should also do that with purchase contract incl. Date and time can be selected.

1 year ago
Reply to  DerHans

I’m sorry.

1 year ago
Reply to  DerHans

That’s not quite right. There are a lot of vehicle holders who do not have a driving permit.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bricoleur

If he transfers the vehicle to him, and there is no other person at all, he should be convinced that he has a driving permit.