Verkäufer will mehr Geld nach Bezahlung?
ich habe mir am Wochenende etwas auf Kleinanzeigen bestellt. Ich habe die ausgemachte Summe schon bezahlt, nun schreibt mir der Verkäufer ob ich noch etwas nachzahlen könne, weil der Versand teuerer war als gedacht. Sollte ich es fairerweise machen? Denn eigentlich denke ich dass es nicht meine Schuld ist. Was denkt ihr darüber?
He should either make himself smart before what the postage costs or pay for it himself.
However, if you paid 44 instead of 46, this would be repaid. Or was that for buyer protection? It is common that the surcharge of the seller swallows for “safe packages” etc.
Also note that “Friends” is a mode that takes you receivable rights of payment. You cannot rule out that the other has evil intentions.
I am from Austria and have sent a lot of packages with Almost all cost 5 euros. See if the 9 Euros can vote on the Posthomepage.
Yes, the 2€ were buyer protection. Didn’t know that costs😭
It’s one thing, whether you knew it and another, whether you had to know it and a third, who paid it.
What did you order? Something heavy? Anti-fraud are fashion and technology products. Little is cheated on products that are not easily interchangeable, such as granular jewelry. Who would cheat on it then doesn’t know what to do with it. Anyone who sells the last i-phone can sell it right away.
If “friends” had been agreed and he didn’t stick to it, he should pay the 2€. The seller swallows the surcharge was then not agreed.
Yeah, if it were, I’d see that. However, we don’t know what happened.
It also seems to me a question of what was bought. If I sell someone’s grandma’s old table around 20 euros, I’ll feel more like a “friend” than if it’s the Samsung 8 a around 600 euros.
I suspect it because the seller in the screenshot yes writes that from 46€ 44€, as he did not send as friends. Sounds like an agreement.
Contract is contract. I’m just afraid there’s nothing left out of the delivery, and you have no goods or money in the end.
Yes, the seller sent me a document (DHL dispatch)
Ebay classifieds are no longer available. :
You can write ten more times, but that doesn’t change anything that Ebay classifieds have been doing for a while. Look closely and look for The Ebay:
It doesn’t matter what you call it. Everyone knows what’s meant.
Unfortunately, not everyone knows.