Verkaufen von regionalen produkten?

Guten Tag, ich hatte den Gedankengang, meine eigenen Eier und Honig mit anderen regionalen Produkten. Jeden Sonntag auszuliefern(wie ein Abo). Könntet ihr mir da bei der rechtlichen Seite helfen, ob ich die Produkte von mir selber als auch vom Bauern, ohne Probleme und ohne Gewerbe ausliefern kann? Vielen Dank für jede antwort

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9 months ago

Hello when you are beekeepers, read to make a sign, honey from own beekeeping, that hangs where on your land, by the way, you can arrange your eggs, in my area I know 3 egg cottages where you can buy eggs day and night, that’s what’s true,

9 months ago

without problems

No, because you need to observe various EU, federal and state regulations when dealing with food. safety/food safety/regulations/links-to-marketing of foodstuffs.html


No! If you trade regularly or in a profit target, a trade registration is mandatory.

9 months ago

Once you have the intention to generate profit, a business registration is absolutely necessary.

Then probably a tax office, a website/online shop etc.

If you want to do it without a profit plan, a non-profit association might be possible.

9 months ago selling-unemployed/#:~:text=The%20 means%3A%20Online%2Dplatforms%20as well as,erl%C3%A4utert%20Mia%20Sanner%20of%20Lexware.