Verhütungsstäbchen und Antibiotika, was passiert?
Hallo, ich hab gestern Morgen sehr starkes Antibiotikum genommen und nun hab ich trotz meines Verhütungsstäbchens meine Periode. Seit ich das Stäbchen eingesetzt bekommen habe hatte ich meine Periode nicht mehr und auch keine zwischen Blutungen.
meine Frage ist jetzt : ist das Stäbchen jetzt für immer unbrauchbar oder nur für ein paar Tage und dann ist alles wie vorher ?
im Internet steht das Antibiotika die Wirkung auflöst
You can read this in the leaflet of the antibiotic.
Well, my question is whether my rod is always ineffective or only for a few days would I take the antibiotic and until it is completely out of my body. This isn’t in the leaflet of antibiotics
It doesn’t affect forever, I know it from the pill, that you should be extra guarded 7 days after that, but whether it’s universal I don’t know. You’ll find out about the doctor who prescribed the antibiotic to you (woman doctor I’m taking it?)
From the yellow side:
“Since doxycycline can also affect hormonal contraception, if no other therapy is possible, non-hormonal contraceptive measures should also be applied”
Thank you.
Mh understands:/ Calling tomorrow is still about to call the female doctor, who have more experience in this. Good improvement!
Luckily it is not about pregnancy or similar 🙈
my problem is more that I have very severe pain during my period and bleeding as if someone stabbed me…. That’s why I got the stick
I don’t think it’s very different, but since in the worst case it’s about an unwanted pregnancy, I’d rely exclusively on medical advice. Gynaecology is not my subject.
No, my pediatrician prescribed it to me, I have to call tomorrow, but I’m really worried. I also know the pill, but I don’t know it at the stick. It is now in my arm and gives a certain dose on the day.