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1 year ago

I’m not a doctor, but I can try to give you some general information. A hardening on the penis can have various causes, and it is important that you seek a doctor to obtain an accurate diagnosis. There are various possible causes for hardening on the penis, including injuries, inflammatory diseases, infections or even tumors.

It is important not to worry about self-diagnosis or unnecessary. A doctor can perform a physical examination, evaluate your symptoms and carry out further diagnostic tests to determine the cause of hardening. It is advisable not to lose time and visit a person skilled in the art, as accurate diagnosis and, where appropriate, appropriate treatment are important.

Remember that most changes on the penis are not serious problems, but it is always best to consult a doctor to make sure everything is okay.

1 year ago

Please go to the urologist. Even if I am one myself: no diagnosis is possible at distance. This must be looked at and examined.