Verhalten Kompassnadel bei verschiedenen Stoffen?

Hey Leute,

da unser Lehrer nicht da ist, haben wir Aufgaben bekommen und ich suche die Antwort zu Aufgabe 1.5, weil ich die Antwort nicht weiß.
könnte mir einer von euch bitte dabei helfen?

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2 years ago

Let’s assume the magnet is a rod magnet with a north pole and a south pole at the end. If you move the compass to an end, a tip of the compass needle is attracted. This thus shows exactly the end of the rod. If you slide the compass along the rod, the needle will continue to point to this end, i.e. will always be slanted, lie in the middle of the rod parallel to it and at the other end of the rod also point to it with the other side of the needle. The needle thus rotates by 180° during the pushing forward.

Iron will distract the needle, but weaker and not polished. The needle will thus move, but not so defined. It may be shown on the rod when the compass is in the middle of the rod,

Aluminium will not impress the compass at all.