Verhalten der Besitzerin meiner Reitbeteiligung normal?
Seit 4 Monaten habe ich eine Reitbeteiligung. Die Besitzerin ist schon etwas älter und kann selbst nicht reiten. Sie meinte ich soll das Pferd behandeln wie mein eigenes und könnte so oft kommen wie ich möchte.
In letzter Zeit fällt mir öfter auf, wenn ich am Stall bin, dass sie auch plötzlich dort ist und immer nach dem Rechten sieht. Das letzte mal bin ich auf dem Platz geritten. Ihr gefielen die vielen Mücken an ihrem Pferd nicht und meinte ich müsste das Pferd mit Mückenschutz einschmieren. Das hätte ich gerne gemacht, wenn sie mir gezeigt hätte wo es steht und welches ich nehmen kann.
Es ist ihr wichtig das ich das Pferd auch longiere mit einem Kappzaum. Allerdings hat das Pferd kein eigenes und die Besitzerin leiht sich immer von anderen Einstellern etwas aus. Das letzte mal hat dies jemand mitbekommen und es war natürlich niemand darüber erfreut nicht vorher gefragt worden zu sein. Ausreiten soll ich nur wenn jemand dabei ist und das Pferd muss jetzt auch eine Mückenschutzdecke tragen sonst darf ich nicht ausreiten. Da ist sie sich aber auch nicht sicher ob es ihre eigene ist.
Als ich das letzte Mal dem Pferd die Trense runter gemacht habe und gerade dabei war das Halfter auf zu ziehen, stand die Besitzerin plötzlich hinter dem Pferd und begann damit es mit Mückenschutz einzuschmieren. Daraufhin ist das Pferd erschrocken und hat mich ziemlich unsanft am Kopf erwischt (zum Glück hatte ich meinen Helm noch auf) und wollte ab durch die Mitte. Sie sagte dann, ich soll doch schnell das Halfter aufziehen.
Als ich mit dem Pferd spazieren war, gingen wir auf dem Rückweg an der Weide entlang. Die Besitzerin rief gerade die Pferde in den Stall. Ein Pferd ging allerdings am Zaun entlang und war ganz wild, daraufhin meine Reitbeteiligung natürlich auch. Die Besitzerin hörte nicht auf zu rufen, obwohl klar war das das Pferd am Zaun uns zurück folgen würde, da wir sowieso auf dem Weg in den Stall waren. Ich hatte extreme Probleme meine Reitbeteiligung zu halten. Ich zahle im Monat 75€, der Besitzerin ist es wichtig das ich Reitunterricht nehme, mindestens 2 mal im Monat, die Reitstunde kostet 30€, was insgesamt schon ziemlich teuer ist. Ich mag das Pferd wirklich sehr. Ist das Verhalten der Besitzerin normal?
The fact that the Besi takes other things without questions, just like capping, (which must fit well…) doesn’t matter! And if she asks you, it’s a total NoGo.
That she sees at her horse according to the right, and also what you do with the horse is normal – and her good right. You could also have addressed the topic of insect protection if there is no fly spray, fly hood, ceiling? Surely you get that others at you at the stable also protect their horses accordingly, and who is it fun to ride on a horse that constantly shakes or falls under the belly, etc. to get rid of the kitty.
The situation with the frightened horse because of mosquitoes was unhappy and stupid, but probably not intended. Just like the situation with the horse on the pasture – what would it have changed if the Besi stopped calling? Do you think the horse on the pasture (and your RB out) would have calmed down immediately? Perhaps it was only for you that the other horse follows you, so to speak, into the stable – for them not. Also, she may not even know you had problems with the horse.
All in all are 75€ for as often as you want, if you can really use it, not overpriced. Also €30/Reithour is absolutely ok. And also that Besi would like you to take lessons. You benefit from it, too.
With me around the corner in the club costs 1x riding hour/week month. 95€. In addition, club/species contribution, jumping hours and riding costs extra. Just as a comparison…
However, if the Besi’s behaviour doesn’t suit you, you’re not able to address problems or unclearness (this is also objective and without accuse), then just leave it. As long as you ride other people’s horses, you’ll have to live with them determining it.
You ask a question here and then you get such an unfriendly answer. If you’d be so good, you’d know if someone’s standing on the horse that you don’t suddenly stand behind the horse and start doing something. Of course it wasn’t intended that the horse was terrified. Because of the price it always depends on what is offered to you and where you are located.
The answer was in no way unfriendly, but don’t feel as if attacked.
There was nothing unfriendly just factual.
But you’re going to be arrogant and ignorant in horses.
If you don’t radically change your attitude, the Besi will soon have enough of you.
The answer is by no means unfriendly – only honest. But certainly not what you wanted to hear. That would have been: you do everything right and the Besi all wrong… I find it super corrosive behind the back of others on the Internet to ask such questions. Instead of having a clear conversation with Besi.
And how good or bad I know about horses, you can judge if you are also a couple of years of horse management champion and you can show a Vita….
Maybe that’s her problem with the owner.
@Nazgul89 I have misunderstood this, but please do not judge so quickly about another person. Since I only had riding lessons before, it may be that I don’t know that well.
A lot she asks is useful.
I would suggest that you write down the terms and costs and agree with you. best to do a session 1 times a month and sit with her.
Zb who buys things
mosquito protection pro and contra
75Euro per month is at best tips, which is practically given, especially since you are the only one who rides..
The riding lessons must be sought, someone good, a bad teacher will spoil you forever.
Just like groundwork with the capping fence. Please not only long, unplanned, work intensively with this central theme zb at Teschen. It is important to keep the horse healthy and build a trust.
Even if she doesn’t ride, she understands much more of horses like you, seems to me. She’s also the owner and knows her horse very well. So listen to her.
Where are you reading this from the question? 😅
Farewell, yes. Even if she does not (more) ride, she wants to have an eye on YOUR horse. The situation on the pasture was unhappy, but no one is perfect. And that she wants you to take lessons is very reasonable. I don’t see anyone on the horse who doesn’t want to teach.
Well, she borrows things from other owners, maybe not okay, but not your business. If other owners have a lot of fun, you should point them to the owner.
I just want to ride out when someone is there and the horse has to wear a mosquito blanket or I can’t ride out
That’s exactly what I’d do.
That the owner looks at the right is completely normal. That she’s stealing anything from others just so she can cash your money isn’t going. Tell your parents or so (if you are not full-year) or speak directly with her. Not in the back. Go straight and simply ask why she doesn’t buy one herself so you can ride well. And if she throws you out for an inconsiderable reason or something, that’s what it is. Then you don’t need to fool her.
Your two behavior is not normal.
If you’re not sure if that’s the Besi stuff, ask. If you’re not sure about rules, ask. Only speaking people can be helped!
If someone tells you it’s your own stuff, you’d believe it
Yeah, that’s it. It just sounded like she never said so. Then – honestly – I would go out of respect to other people.
The fact that the owner is at the same time at the stable and wants to see what you’re doing with her horse is absolutely normal and her good right. Who doesn’t fit this has bad cards as RB.
As far as the missing equipment is concerned, why didn’t you just ask once you realized it wasn’t her stuff? You call it and say, “hey, I have learned that the carcass isn’t yours, and the owner was unfortunately not pleased to borrow it. Can you possibly get your own or tell me how to long from now on?” or something like that.
Generally speaking, in case of unclearness, please always immediately seek the conversation with the owner. What does it take to you if we give our must on the Internet? This doesn’t change the situation.
And if you think you’re not happy there anymore, look around for another RB. I also have to say clearly that you rarely have the privilege to come and go as it suits you. The costs are also absolutely fine for this. It will certainly not be so easy to find something comparable.
Normally, it’s not, it’s bordering on harassment. Did you ever look for the conversation with her, why she suddenly behaves like this from today to tomorrow? Something happened?
Find the conversation with her, find a compromise. And if that doesn’t help, look for another RB, even if it hurts.
Checking rider and horse is probably the duty of every serious animal owner to whom his horse lies at the heart (and the rider).
Schikane is now really not recognizable, a weni too much interference, from the RB too little sense of responsibility and self-employment.
Apart from the unquestioned borrowing of equipment counterparts, there is nothing to see from Schikane. She wants to know how her horse is being treated. It is you Horse! RB sometimes seems to “forget it.” I want you to see me as an owner. But I never had an RB, I saved the RB.
The behavior of the owner is highly abnormal!I mean somewhere what is borrowing and not even ask what belongs to you…..and the other stories….the question is whether it is that you pay the money but yourself are being taken in bad things….