Vergiss die vier Euro nicht?
Ist “Vergiss die 4 Euro nicht!” ein korrekter Satz?
Die Frage ist ernst gemeint. Ich habe nämlich eine Freundin, die nicht besonders gut Deutsch kann. Aber sie glaubt mir nicht, dass dieser Satz korrekt ist.
Ist “Vergiss die 4 Euro nicht!” ein korrekter Satz?
Die Frage ist ernst gemeint. Ich habe nämlich eine Freundin, die nicht besonders gut Deutsch kann. Aber sie glaubt mir nicht, dass dieser Satz korrekt ist.
Hey, ich suche einen Nachnamen, der eine düstere Atmosphäre verbreitet oder eine düstere Bedeutung hat. Der Nachname sollte wenn möglich zum Vornamen Cassius, Caelan oder Abbadon passen und einen schlechten Charakter der Person voraussetzten.
Hallo Leute, kann das bitte jemand korrigieren?
Hallo, Kann mir bitte jemand ein Satzgefüge zum Thema Einbrecher nennen? Danke schon im Voraus 🙂 LG
-/+ was bedeutet das?
tell her that this is an imperative set
Imperative is the command tone
Clear your room!
Don’t forget the four euros!
Do your homework!
The verb is in the first position instead of the second and the endings are as follows:
Imperativ Du:
You’re doing nothing!
The “du” falls here as well as the prefix -st will do!
Get out of here!
Get out of my way!
Sele game +t prefix
Let’s go!
Run (runs)
Clear your room!
Imperativ Sie (Singular – Respect Form):
This isn’t yours.
The basic verb is used with the -en prefix otherwise the same game
Stop the door!
Hold the thief!
Consequently, “You have to do!”, no imperative 🙂
Edit: -en suffix not prefix (sry)
Thanks for the star 🙂
Ah false answer for the star – I got confused with the messages here
Don’t forget the four euro!
With “please” it sounds more polite.
The sentence is completely correct.
Maybe your friend knows Imperative Not yet. Here are some more examples:
In my opinion, the sentence is correct.
I don’t see a problem with this sentence.
Not on Latin.
In German, the
Language correct.
Why only language?
I don’t know that very well. Somehow I miss the verb in the call. “Don’t forget the 4 € with us”
But I can’t justify it in grammar.
It’s not a language, it’s a standard German.
A complete set requires at least one subject and a predicate.
I’m leaving.
This is also a complete set.
It is not necessary to answer all questions. How: Where are you going?
Don’t forget the 4€! What should be done with the 4€ is in the context – or in the events before.
I realize there’s a verb in this sentence. I have said myself that I am not sure that it is only linguistically wrong.
In everyday language yes, but in addition I am uncertain because the verb is missing.
Bsp.: Don’t forget to take the 4 € – to give/ burn the cashier/ to put in the A******/ are worth a lot/ you need for a taxi/ …
Forget the verb
Forget in the imperative (heared to the first position)
Forget. This comes from the old English ss, which today guess (rate).
Thus, similar to the “false guessing” similar to the “vertipped” ->
That’s perfect. What does your girlfriend have to do with it?